7 Naturally Slimming Foods

See more of my healthy living advice http://bit.ly/SarahFitYT ♥ Eat Like Me – http://bit.ly/TIU_SarahFit Find my WORKOUT VIDEOS organized http://SarahFit.c…
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See more of my healthy living advice http://bit.ly/SarahFitYT ♥ Eat Like Me – http://bit.ly/TIU_SarahFit Find my WORKOUT VIDEOS organized http://SarahFit.c…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
BS. Thin people just don’t overeat.
Naturally skinny people eat any type of food, I think that’s why they’re
called “naturally skinny”. I love to eat sweets but my metabolism is just
naturally boosted up. If you guys have some kind of problem with your
metabolism, I suggest you guys eat but not a lot. Always remember eat up to
80% only, by that you’re body will easily burn the food than when you’re
too much full. And also drink water before every meal, it will give you a
feeling that you’re not too much hungry resulting you not to eat too much.
Note: The brain is the most powerful organ in our body because it sends
messages to our other organs, thinking that you’re metabolism will get
faster will also help a lot in psychological terms.
I don’t think naturally skinny people drink vinegar. The only people who do
are trying to lose weight because they arent skinny.
i am slim and i never eat any of this crap.eat well and exercise a bit.
Yknow… Some people are just skinny because they’re hyper or have ADHD
(80hd? Aidyhd?)
Sarah could you please do a video about acid reflux? I just found our I’m a
reflux and sometimes I don’t know what to eat! And also I don’t know if I’m
eating enough;( recently I started having oatmeal for breakfast and I
believe is helping me! My biggest problem was the fat so I pretty much cut
a lot of it and lost a few pounds since started to eat better for my
reflux!’ So if u could please try to help me n other that suffer from
reflux! Thx
Now I know why I don’t gain weight. I’ve been trying to gain a bit weight
for myself because I was bullied for being skinny and I didn’t know why I
don’t gain weight at all. My friends asks me all the time what’s my secret
and I can’t answer them because I just eat whatever I want.
The naturopath I go to recommends diluting apple cider vinegar with
water…1 tsp-1 tbsp per small glass of water, the amount of apple cider
vinegar really depends on how much you can tolerate it. If I have too much
I get reflux. I do find it beneficial. It has other uses as well.
This is such BS. I’m naturally skinny and I just eat whatever I want, same
with a lot of my friends who are naturally skinny. What keeps me naturally
skinny is my fast metabolism.
this one is good http://www.immunotec.com/healthandbalance
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), though may have health benefits, is highly
acidic and dangerous to drink alone especially daily. It is best to drink
it diluted down with water. ACV not diluted with water is very harmful for
your teeth/gums and enamel. Please don’t have ACV without being diluted. I
learned the hard way.
grapefruit, almonds, and coffee all make me go number 2! excellent for
I´m allergic to almonds and other types of nuts, so what would you
recommend I eat that gives me the same benefits and nutrients that people
who CAN eat nuts get?
But i hate vinegar and coffe
the weight loss food is perfect,it is just tea ,And it is a very effective.
so i like it.
LOL I wish I could do the “coulda had a V8” slap through computer screens
And lmao at coffee, I like your channel but coffee creates havoc in the
body– moreso the caffeine. Don’t know why you’d suggest coffee.
Hey there Sara love your videos. I have a question for you I usually eat a
oatmeal before I go to sleep and I usually mix in some type of fruit like a
pear or an apple or some berries Im wondering is this a bad thing to do
before bed .by the way this happens to be my 3rd meal for the day as well
so that’s the reason Im eating at that time . any suggestions would be
great Thanks
Chia seeds in coffee? This is the first time I’m hearing this idea!
I ad some cinnemon and cayenne to my coffe. I know it sounds very strange
but its so good and it has a noce sting to it. also try Chia seeds. have a
shot of them in the morning its so good for everthing.
I must say you are an happy and inspiring person…tnx for the tips and
video workouts. ♥
what if youre 16 & ADD and you cant drink coffee with having an energetic
mental breakdown?
i am elrgict from cinamon
Cinnamon in coffee
can’t go without it