
Alcohol And Exercise

After a hard day of work on Friday some people go and get a few drinks to relax from that long week at work. You feel you deserve a few drinks after that long week, it’s a few things you should remember.

Just like any other day, the next day is a day for you to exercise, and knowing you, you probably exercise very single day. And you probably think a few drinks won’t hurt anything, right? Well before you make that decision to go out on Friday and get  a few drinks, let me share with you a couple things you should think about.

Researcher has found that a small amount of alcohol will increase your muscular energy and the output of strength, these type of benefits are very short. After 30 minutes or so, that’s when the problems start to occur. The negative effects will begin to come along, and will easily outweigh the benefits that come with alcohol. It don’t matter how you look at it, alcohol is poison that can and will harm your body if you don’t be careful.

The bad side of drinking alcohol and exercising will reduce your aerobic capability, endurance, strength, ability to metabolize fat, recovery time, and will stop you build muscle. Drinking alcohol will have an effect on your brain and nervous system. Using it long term make cause deterioration of your nervous system. Which will cause a loss of strength even if you drink short term.

Alcohol reach your blood cells and can probably damage the blood cells. With drinking alcohol, inflammation of the muscle. After time these muscle cells that’s damaged will die. Alcohol will leave you sore longer after you exercise, meaning it will take you longer to recuperate. 

If you decide to drink alcohol and exercise, do it in moderation and don’t drink before you exercise.


For some great free infomation on dieting and weight loss visit:http://how-to-get-abs-in-a-week.com

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Posted by admin - June 16, 2015 at 3:52 pm

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The Exercise Haven

Attempting to lose weight is serious business. A person who would like to lose weight should always remember that it takes a lot of hard effort and time. Only the patient and the persevering actually succeed in shedding a couple or more pounds. While the numerous advertisements on tv these days tell you that drinking a certain supplement or taking a certain pill would give you a sexy and desirable body in no time, there are actually other more effective ways through which you could lose weight. Remember that good results always come from a well-deserving effort. If you are really dedicated in getting a sleek and healthy body, you had better stick to your diet plan. The most basic way to losing weight is through constant exercise. Many would regard it as rigorous and boring, but it is the most effective way to get the body you want. It will take time, but at least there will be no side-effects. A healthy lifestyle always includes constant exercise, whether it is for weight losing or just for fun.

The first thing you ought to remember is to not get carried away by commercialism. Do not believe those tv ads that tell you how one supplement could get you your desired body without you having to work for it. The most basic way to lose weight and unwanted fats is to exercise. This may seem old school, but it is the most effective and most trusted way. It may seem to be such hard work at the start, but always remind yourself that it would be worth it in the end. First, try to focus on generic gym activities like the treadmill and the bikes. If you are more eager to move up, you can try lifting small weights and dumbbells, too. Once your body has already adjusted to your exercise, you can move up to the more difficult gym activities. If you are not a big fan of exhausting and rigorous gym work, try their different dancing lessons. Dancing is also known to burn quite a lot of excess fat because you are required to constantly move your body rapidly to the beat. Gym dancing could even prove to be fun! There are numerous types of dances to choose from like belly dancing, hip hop dancing, and even social dancing. Another fun gym exercise that has been growing quite popular nowadays are pilatis, pole dancing, and even martial arts exercises. You do not have to stick around doing what you would consider boring gym activities. With the array of available gym classes that are all both fun and engaging, losing weight will not be as hard as you think it would be.

Many people would outright say how much they irk the sight of a gym, yes. What these people fail to see is that there are no real shortcuts to anything. Losing weight effectively entails that you also put quite a fair amount of effort. Besides, exercising will only be boring and difficult if you do not put your heart and mind to it.

Are you looking for more information regarding how to lose weight? Visit http://www.effective-weight-loss.com/ today!

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Posted by admin - May 23, 2015 at 6:22 am

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Cardiovascular Exercise

Whether your goal is to lose weight, relieve stress, or just be healthier, cardiovascular exercises are undoubtedly the most important kind of exercise. These exercises are called cardiovascular because they exercise the heart and lungs, boosting oxygen transportation and consumption. This article will explore the many different kinds of cardiovascular exercises, both indoor and outdoor.

Indoor Cardio

Ideally we’d spend more time outside, particularly when exercising, but unfortunately we cannot always get outside. Luckily, then, there are many indoor options for cardiovascular exercises, many different machines which simulate activities you might find yourself doing outside where you have room to move around.

Elliptical Trainer: These are machines which simulate jogging or running by letting your knees bend and legs move back and forth without actually bringing your feet off the ground. Many people must use the elliptical trainer instead of jogging because the impact of running can cause problems for their knees. Since you never have to take your feet of the machine, there is no impact on your knees and you can experience a very comfortable, low impact running experience.

Exercise Bike: Just like the elliptical trainer, exercise bikes are great for people who cannot put too much stress on their legs. Most exercise bikes have adjustable resistance, so you can get a pretty strenuous workout while you’re sitting in one spot watching TV.

Rowing Machines: These machines are often overlooked but they provide a tremendous way to improve your cardiovascular strengthen as well as strengthen the muscles in your arms, legs, chest and abs. These machines simulate the movements involved in a rowing a boat, which is something many of us have no way of actually doing. If you’re doing cardiovascular exercise to lose weight, then the rowing machine should be of particular interest to you because it not only burns a lot of calories but the abdominal aspect of it will help you lose belly fat and tone your stomach simultaneously.

Stair Climbing: There are machines that stimulate climbing stairs, but if we’re talking about indoor activities, climbing real stairs also applies. The great thing about climbing stairs is how easily it can be incorporated into your daily routine. Many of us take countless elevator rides every single day, you can imagine how opting for the stairs can really add up to some significant calorie burning over the course of an entire day, week, or month. You don’t need to always take the stairs, but the more times you can fit a little bit of cardiovascular exercise into your day the better off you are.

This is probably the most important tip to cardiovascular exercise; we are surrounded by conveniences and luxuries that allow us to exercise less than we’d otherwise have to. By refusing some of these modern conveniences you can burn a lot of calories without actually having to take a chunk of time out of your day to exercise. This could mean getting off the bus a few stops early, taking the stairs, skipping the moving sidewalks at the airport, walking on the escalators, or hand-delivering a letter.

Outdoor Cardio

Swimming: We’ll start with swimming because this is undoubtedly the most well-rounded and effective cardio exercise. This could also qualify as an indoor activity, though it is often much more invigorating to swim out on a lake or ocean. Swimming for just twenty minutes a day can burn up to five hundred calories, and it exercises all kinds of muscles that you don’t normally use. Many people like to swim in the morning because it’s a great way to get some exercise in before you’re worn out from the day, and it really wakes you up and gets you focused on the day ahead.

Walking: It was already mentioned how getting off the bus a few stops early can be a good way to incorporate a little exercise. Walking is actually a deceptively good exercise, many people think you need to be running to be exercising but going for a brisk walk can burn significant calories. Therefore if you don’t have recourse to incorporate walking into your normal routine you should book off some time to go for a brisk walk through a park.  Either way, walking gives you that little bit of exercise that you need every day to maintain your cardiovascular health. Walking also provides a really valuable time to get away from the rigors of your day and have some time to yourself to think things over, or it could be a time to have a long conversation with a friend or family member.

Other obvious types of outdoor cardio involve running and cycling, though the same principles basically apply to these as to the indoor versions. For cycling it is important to keep your back straight and not to overly strain your legs, you may want to confirm with a fitness or cycling expert that you have your bike adjusted properly. Running is the classic cardio exercise, and doesn’t require much explanation except to note that running on hard surfaces such as concrete can be tough on the knees; running on grass has the benefit of being softer. You could also try running on sand, this provides a very challenging run and is relatively soft on the knees. One last thing about running is that you should avoid high traffic areas. Breathing in car exhaust as you’re running should definitely be avoided if possible as this can defeat the purpose of a nice outdoor run.

While cardiovascular exercises are vital to the maintenance of good health remember that weight training is also essential to physical fitness.  Opt for three cardio sessions a week and another two weight training days if possible.  If you’re pressed for time though you can always try to fit in a little cardio and weight training in the same session—just be sure not to overdo it.

Dale Miller is a health, sports, fitness and nutrition enthusiast.  He operates http://centurysupplements.com/and writes a blog at http://centurysupplements.com/blog/

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Posted by admin - May 19, 2015 at 4:38 am

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