
Exercise Equipment

The fitness exercise equipment market is huge, a billion dollar industry. Just watch television for any length of time and you’ll see the never-ending infomercials on the latest and greatest machine to come down the pike. Some appear to be fairly good products, some, well, maybe more gadget and probably not so great.

The thing is, there are many, many very good devices for getting a very good, calorie-burning cardiovascular workout in your home. Even if you choose a simple set of free weights, a good workout can be had. Although there are probably better options for most individuals. Free weights are less convenient, cumbersome and generally take much longer to get a well-rounded workout, if you’re targeting all major muscle groups. The constant changing of weights is a total deal-breaker for many.

The Total Gym type machines are very good. You’ve probably seen the Total Gym advertised on television by Chuck Norris and his beautiful wife. These machines offer the capability to workout every major muscle group, but are also very affordable and have the convenience of being able to be folded and stored in a relatively small area. They’re unique in the fact that they have an inclined, adjustable bench that has a sliding seat and the setup uses the person’s body weight to provide resistance. The more the bench is inclined, the greater resistance. They also have the option to attach a weight bar and weights, to provide even more resistance if needed.

Exercise bikes have been around for many decades, and although they don’t have the flexibility of some other machines, one can be had for very little money. They don’t take up a lot of space and it’s easy to jump on and get a good cardiovascular workout in just a few minutes. Even 15-20 minutes a day would be extremely beneficial. I wouldn’t recommend this be your only source of exercise though. It’s very limiting in which muscle groups it targets directly. The upper body receives very little attention on a standard exercise bike.

Some people love rowing machines. They’re not space hogs, are very affordable, target most major muscle groups, and you can jump on and have a very good workout in a short amount of time.

It’s impossible to touch on even a fraction of the many different kinds of fitness exercise equipment. That’s actually not what this article is about. It’s about finding something that you will use…and use it!! If an exercise bike is maybe all that you know you’ll use, then get one. They’re an excellent device for a good cardiovascular workout. Combined with maybe a brisk walk in the morning or night, and occasional swim and possibly some Pilates, and you’ll be getting some excellent exercise.

Whether you choose an elliptical trainer, exercise bike, rowing machine, free weights or one of the other pieces of fitness exercise equipment, the problem is this…most equipment ends up collecting dust in the corner of a basement or garage. You can buy the best, most expensive piece of fitness exercise equipment to be had, but if you don’t use it, you’ve accomplished little more than wasting some money.

It’s really hard to understand, but many people will work 60-70 hours per week to afford that nice big house and luxury automobile, but won’t devote 30 minutes per day a few times a week to take care of themselves. Combine this with the stress and horrible diets that many people subject themselves to, and you have a heart attack waiting to happen. It’s inevitable.

Just remember, you deserve to enjoy a long, healthy, happy life just like the rest of us. Your loved ones deserve to have you around for as long as possible. You kids, especially, want and deserve to have you here until they have little ones of their own, and even longer. Doesn’t it just seem insane to die thirty years before your time just because you wouldn’t put forth a little effort to exercise, even moderately and watch what you eat ?

Purchasing any piece of fitness exercise equipment isn’t the quick fix that we as Americans so often look for. It can just make doing a good workout a little more convenient. If you don’t use it, well, it’s just so much dead weight…unfortunately, that’s what happens to your body also.

Does it make you think ? I hope so.

Don’t be like so many others that purchase Fitness Exercise Equipment only to let it set for a couple of years, and to later be sold in a garage sale for . Buy it, and then USE IT!!

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Posted by admin - January 15, 2015 at 6:22 am

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30 Mins Aerobic Dance Workout – Bipasha Basu Break free Full Routine – Full Body Workout

30 Mins Aerobic Dance Workout - Bipasha Basu Break free Full Routine - Full Body Workout

Bipasha Basu herself performs a 30 mins hardcore dance aerobic workout and shows us her cool moves and a graceful way to lose weight. This 30-minute dance wo…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

SUBSCRIBE for weekly episodes and bonuses. Get Natalie’s Newest Workout DVD at http://nataliejillfitness.com/programs/rev-4-workout/ Do Natalie Jills 7 Day J…

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Posted by admin - January 12, 2015 at 5:29 am

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Exercise Your Mind

The more you work your brain, the more likely you will stave off Alzheimer’s disease

Just a modest amount of mental stimulation can go a long way towards warding off Alzheimer’s disease. This is the opinion of researchers who created mice genetically modified to get a condition similar to it.

Researchers at the University of California-Irvine studied hundreds of mice altered to make them develop abnormalities known as plaques and tangles in brain tissue that are considered hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease in people. Writing on Tuesday in the Journal of Neuroscience, they said periodic learning sessions-swimming in a tub of water until finding a submerged platform to stand on-slowed the development of those two abnormalities in the mice.

“The remarkable thing was that just by learning infrequently, they still had a very dramatic effect on the Alzheimer’s disease pathology, ” said Kim Green, one of the researchers.

“So it suggests that in humans, if you learn more and more and more, it’s going to have a huge, beneficial effect,” Green added.

The findings highlight an idea that also has emerged in other research-that exercising one’s mind is important to staving off Alzheimer’s disease, the degenerative brain malady that is the most common form of dementia among the elderly.

Smart link Green noted that other studies have found that highly educated people are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s than people with less education.

There is no known cure for Alzheimer’s , which gradually destroys a person’s memory and ability t o learn, reason, make judgments, communicate and carry out daily activities.

“What we have shown is that by learning by stimulating your mind, you’re able to protect against the development of the pathologies associated with the disease,” Green said.

“Crossword puzzles reading books, learning a new language-anything you can do to stimulate the brain is going to be beneficial, we think.”

The mice were given “a very mild learning experience”-essentially figuring out a maze but in the water-for a week at a time every three months. The sessions were four times daily for a week at two, six, nine, 12, 15 and 18 months of age.

The mice that performed the task experienced slower development of the protein beta amyloid clumping in the brain and forming plaques, gooey build-up that accumulates outside nerve cells, the study found.

These mice also experienced a slower build-up of another protein in the brain. Hyperphosphorylated-tau, that can lead to the formation of neurofibrillary tangles-twisted fibers in brain cells.

Green said the researchers are looking into whether more frequent and intensive learning sessions might provide bigger and longer-lasting benefits.

Alzheimer’s disease first affects parts of the brain controlling memory and thinking. As it advances, it kills cells elsewhere in the brain. Eventually, if the patient has no other serious illness, the loss of brain function will prove fatal.

There are other mind tools or learning techniques that can help the brain synergise both halves ie., the left and the right hemispheres. It has long been known in the scientific world that the left hemisphere is responsible for logical functions such as those functions involved in reasoning and mathematics whereas the right hemisphere is responsible for the creative, imaginative and artistic functions of an individual.

Einstein is the most prominent person to have used the left-right synergy technique in formulating his famous equation of light and matter, E=mc2. Using special mind tools or mind training techniques developed in the last century and notably the last 50 years, individuals have been known to have developed phenomenal feats of memory like associating hundreds of names and faces , long arithmetic formulas as well as long strings of numbers all in the matter of minutes or seconds.

Whether memorizing long strings of numbers (more than 10 digits) have any practical applications is open to debate. But it does give the mind the workout it needs to stave off (not cure) Alzheimer’s disease. Such techniques are very easy to learn yet once learnt and used often enough, remains with the user all his life and allows the brain to store massive amount of information used in school, work or ordinary everyday life. However, most people go about their everyday lives without knowing such wonderful techniques are available.

For more information on how you can utilise the full potential of your mind and enhance your life, you can visit the following website www.MightyMemory.com


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Posted by admin - January 12, 2015 at 5:29 am

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