Nutrition and Health – David Getoff
This is the most important HEALTH class of your entire life. There has probably never been a more thorough course in improving your health and learning the f…

Buy Our Organic Ginger in Veggie Caps – Dr Akilah El presents “The Health Benefits of Ginger”. Ginger is one of the…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Categories: Uncategorized Tags: David, Getoff, Health, Nutrition
Healthy Or Not: 5 Surprising Health Foods You Shouldn’t Eat!
C’mon over to where the main discussion happens after the episode! Healthy or not? It may sur…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Many people Peru have long believed that drinking a juice made of whole, raw, blended frogs cures a wide range of ailments, but doctors are cautious of the claims. (Nov. 17) Subscribe for…
Video Rating: 2 / 5
Categories: Uncategorized Tags: Foods, Health, Healthy, Shouldn't, Surprising