
Weight Loss Solutions

Since obesity has turned out to be an endemic disorder world wide, losing weight in an effective way is one of the safest ways to deal with the disease. Weight loss can occur in several ways but the dieter should be prudent enough to select the right weight reduction schedule that would help him or her with a healthy loss of weight. You would get ample information on weight reduction from the internet. There are numerous obesity reduction programs as well. But while selecting the right one you are advised to consult a reputed physician. The following are some weight loss solutions that would help you reduce weight effectively.

Tips on Weight Loss Solutions

These tips would help you to make your weight reduction regime a success.

• Start your day by having some food in the form of snacks, a glass of fruit juice, some pieces of fruits and such. Never set out for work without having anything in the morning.
• Avoid eating while watching TV. Being glued to the TV may often end up into over eating. You must also stay away from watching commercial displays tempting food and snacks. Never go to a food stall in an empty stomach.
• Your attempt to lose weight may be massacred if you involve into frequent hangouts with your friends. In would be difficult for you to restrict yourself from fatty junk food items that are otherwise quite delicious in taste.
• Drinking of alcohol would only add to the calorie content of your body. You would not be benefited from any extra inclusion of nutrients on taking in alcohol.
• To start with your meal you should start with a non creamed soup. Taking in a bowl of soup may restrict you from overeating.
• Take in food slowly as this would help the brain to send signals indicating that the stomach to be already full. Gobbling of the food very fast would actually further increase the risk of eating in large quantities.
• Make sure that your food is cooked in non stick frying pans. This would help you to stay away from consuming too much of fat. If at all you want to use oil for cooking food, try to use flavored oils like sesame oil or olive oil.

The most important of all the tips on weight loss solutions is drinking of ample amount of water. You are recommended to take in about six to eight glasses of water.

Jennifer Lawson, an expert in weight loss is associated with many weight reduction programs. She also provides effective weight loss tips that would reduce weight safely. You may search the internet for a good medical guide that would provide you with information on ways of losing weight.

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Posted by admin - October 23, 2015 at 3:21 pm

Categories: Weightloss   Tags: , ,

Healthy Weight Loss

If you have determined to lose weight, you must make sure of reducing it in a healthy way. There are instances when people lose considerable amount of weight and then again gain it. This process of rapid reduction and increase of the weight is known as yo-yo weight, which might lead to many health risks. In fact you should be highly careful while selecting the ideal weight loss regime for you. Many of the regimes instruct dieters to go for crash diets and rigorous schedule of exercise which might not keep the dieter motivated for a prolonged period of time. In case you are willing to reduce weight in a healthy way try out the following weight loss tips.

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Before going for a healthy weight loss schedule you must be aware of the fact that our body responds well with slow changes. You must take up steps that promote weight loss at slow pace.

Activity Levels

Try to increase the activity level of your body. You can reduce weight considerably if you perform exercises regularly even without lowering the quantity of food you take in. The more you exercise the more amount of calories or fat you burn and hence, your weight gets reduced. In case you hate going to gyms a short but brisk walk for about 20 minutes would help your body get rid of extra weight.

Calorie Intake

You must stress on the ways to reduce the intake of calorie. The following are some food items that you must avoid in order to stay away from calorie consumption.

• Avoid drinking carbonated or fizzy drinks and drink water or fruit cordials instead.
• Go for semi skimmed or skimmed milk.
• Maintain consumption of small quantity of food as lunch. You may have one or two pieces of sandwich in lunch. But you must avoid adding butter or margarine to them. Have home made sandwiches as stored ones for sale often contain large quantities of butter.
• Do not have large meals after huge time gap. You would rather end up eating less in case you take in small meals within small intervals.
• Do not opt for sugary treats. In fact you are advised to add no sugar in tea or coffee.

Keep checking your weight from time to time. You must be patient and focus on the weight loss schedule with full enthusiasm. After attending your ideal weight you should make sure of following a regime of proper diet and exercise for maintaining the right weight.

Jennifer Lawson, an expert in weight loss is associated with many weight reduction programs. She also provides effective weight loss tips that would reduce weight safely.You may search out for a good medical guide in the internet that would provide you authentic information on healthy weight loss.

More Weight Loss Articles

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Posted by admin - October 18, 2015 at 1:23 pm

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Weight Loss Teas

When it comes to losing weight and being just darn good for you, tea is at the top of my list. Both green tea and oolong tea are great for weight loss. I try to have a pitcher of one or the other in my refrigerator at all times! Instead of reaching for the coffee, now I have a glass of iced tea with lemon. I pack a thermos of iced tea and make this my drink of choice throughout the day. It definitely helps – I can feel a difference when I drink it.

Both green and oolong are ancient teas dating back 4,000 years in traditional Chinese medicine. They both come from the same plant…the camellia sinensis. The difference lies in the way the leaves are processed. This is also the art of tea making.

There are different types of green teas. The difference lies in the oxidation of the leaves. Green tea leaves are only partially fermented, hence, the grassy flavor. Green tea is much lower in caffeine than black tea, and extremely rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants prevent free radicals from damaging healthy cells. It also contains catechin polyphenols, flavonoids, theanine, and tannins.

Theanine is an amino acid that is very calming and protects you against daily stress. Flavonids are found in the pigment of the leaves and are known to guard against infection. Polyphenols protect the body from heart disease and cancer.

Studies show Asian men living in the Far East have much lower heart disease and cancer rates, although they smoke heavily. They drink a lot of tea in China. It also helps keep them trim. Green Tea enhances the metabolism – helping your body burn calories quicker.

Oolong tea, sometimes known as wu long, also helps your metabolism. It is hyped as the “weight loss tea” for this reason, but in truth, it is exactly the same as green tea. Remember, they are made from the same plant. And they both are filling, low calorie teas you can have on a daily basis that will improve your health. Oolong tea is often scented with jasmine flowers and contains less caffeine than green tea. Although both teas enhance metabolism, you still need to eat a clean diet and exercise regularly to see the benefits of weight loss. My theory is, you need to drink a lot of water to lose weight, you might as well flavor it to make it the best it can be! Oolong and green tea taste great with a squeeze of fresh lemon on ice! Here’s to your health!

For more on low calorie foods visit

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Posted by admin - October 15, 2015 at 12:16 pm

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