
MCTs and Weight Loss

As much as we work hard in the gym to burn fat and stay in control over our diets, we will lose fat, but I am always looking for ways to ease the process, aren’t you? That’s why I find the scientific studies on medium chain triglycerides and weight loss to be so intriguing.

Research has reported that the fatty acids from MCTs in coconut oil (CO) are not easily converted into stored triglycerides, and so they cannot be readily used by the body to make larger fat molecules. Instead, it is readily absorbed and goes right to the liver where it increases themogenesis. One animal feeding study evaluated body weight and fat storage for three different diets-low-fat diet, high-fat diet containing long-chain triglycerides (LCTs), and a high-fat diet containing MCTs and after 44 days, the low-fat diet group had stored an average of 0.47 grams of fat per day; the LCT group stored 0.48 grams/day, while the MCT group deposited only 0.19 grams of fat per day, a 60% reduction in the amount of fat stored.

This shows that when MCTs are substituted for LCTs in the diet, the body is much less inclined to store fat. AND, when we eat sensibly, a diet containing MCTs is more effective than a low-fat diet at decreasing stored fat!

Another human study, showed that the MCT-containing meals caused an average 12 percent increase in basal metabolic rate as compared with a 4 percent increase with the LCT-containing meal. So how do we get MCTs in our diet? Well CO is nature’s richest source of MCTs. Believe it or not, the medium-chain fats in coconut oil are similar to fats in mother’s milk. Coconut oil can be used as an addition to your post or pre workout shake.

More ideas for using coconut oil:
• Stir-fry or sauté veggies, eggs, poultry, fish with coconut oil for a health-conscious light flavor
• Make your own mayonnaise with coconut oil
• Use it on your salads
• Try it on popcorn instead of butter

Kurt Nimmo is a health specialist and exercise guru. For more tips and advice by Kurt, visit http://www.kurtnimmo.com

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Posted by admin - October 7, 2015 at 9:08 am

Categories: Weightloss   Tags: , ,

2 Week Weight Loss

2 week weight loss is easy to achieve nowadays and can be done safely! To successfully lose weight in 2 weeks you will need to cut out the junk food altogether (including sugary drinks). Your reasons for needing to strip off the lbs so quickly may vary from being health related to just wanting to slim down to look good and feel better about yourself or for an event like a wedding.

It is possible to drop 2lbs of PURE FAT every week if you stick to your diet. Your overall weight can go down by 10lbs in 14 days or even more using a 2 week weight loss plan. You should be striving to eat more fresh wholesome foods including the famous 5-a-day of fruit and vegetables. When you need a snack between meals, always choose either fruit or vegetables! Steam your veg so that you keep all the vitamins and nutrients. Change your bread to the wholegrain variety which is full of fibre. It will also help you to feel satisfied for longer and keep the hunger cravings at bay. Make sure when drinking or using milk that it’s skimmed milk. It may take a bit of getting used to because it so so thin and watery but it will really help and is the healthy choice.

Always grill any meats that you are cooking, this will greatly reduce the fat that is stored in them. It’s common sense when you think about all the fat the meat is swimming in when being fried in the pan. 2 week weight loss will be boosted greatly by jogging for just 20 minutes a day but if your can’t run the length of yourself, a brisk walk for 30 minutes a day will create the same results.

DO NOT just try to starve yourself or go on a detox by using a juice diet. Remember you want to lose weight…not become ill in the process!! Be sure to have breakfast every morning. No doubt you have already heard that eating breakfast goes a long way towards slimming down (this is a fact). A boiled egg, cereal or of course some wholegrain toast for breakfast will do the job.

Stick to eating breakfast, having two meals a day and snacking healthily (not forgetting cutting out the junk food and sugary drinks) and you will have no problem achieving a satisfying 2 week weight loss.

Here is a 2 Week Program to help you. All the best.

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Posted by admin - October 5, 2015 at 8:28 am

Categories: Weightloss   Tags: , ,

Healthy Weight Loss

You wont have a hard time finding a healthy weight loss program, but you may have a hard time finding the right one for you. There are so many programs on the Internet, TV, and magazines. There are so many different types from, special diets, exercise routines, to even just supplements. These all may work, but finding the proper one for your budget and body type is crucial. First off, it is a good idea to get a good scale to find out where you are at. Once you have weighed yourself, now set a goal weight that is obtainable, but don’t be afraid to put some pressure on yourself. By putting pressure on yourself you then will have a better chance of seeing results. So get a little notebook just to record your progress. Enter your start weight in day 1 and your target weight.

Now, judging on how much weight you want to lose, you can better choose your program. But even before you do that, you have to get leverage with yourself. Meaning look at yourself in the mirror, if your unhappy with what you see, then take a full picture of yourself and hang at a couple different locations around the house. Even better now cut out magazine pictures of people with the body you desire and hang them up in the house to motivate you more. The mind is your biggest road block, think positive tell yourself that you are going to make a change. A lot of people want to change how they look by losing weight or such,but their mind gets in the way because they are stuck in a rut, and tell themselves they don’t have time, or they could never look like that, or I cant do it! All just excuses, and I am a firm believer that excuses only benefit the people who make them.

Once you have acquired the proper mindset you are in a better state of mind to make a healthy weight loss. This is something that a lot of people don’t consider they buy a product and try it a few days then fall back into their old habits. So I believe before we talk about which program might be right for you, lets talk about shopping healthier. I would recommend cleaning out your house and throwing out all unhealthy foods. Yes, thats right clean out the fridge and all the cupboards in the kitchen. We are trying to change your patterns, so we don’t want you to be easily tempted to fall back into eating the same stuff. You should get rid of all foods high in fat and sugar for starters. So get in the habit of now reading the labels on the back of the box or can. Also when shopping try to buy more all natural foods instead of processed. Fresh fruits and vegetables are far better for you. One more thing on this subject while I am thinking of it is what you drink, not just what you eat. I have witnessed many people lose weight just by cutting out soda, and replacing it with water. Be careful with juices also, because most times they have so much sugar added to them that they are not doing you any good either. Water is by far the best liquid you can put in your body. Some people have a hard time because they say water has no taste, well I would recommend any seltzer water. They have no sugar in them and have a flavor to them.

So now that you have the proper mindset and have a good baseline of foods in the house, lets choose a program. When looking for a program, PLEASE DON’T make a hasty decision to buy something without thinking it through and doing a little research first. Just Google the product and see what people are saying, be careful though because there are people out there who will tell you a product doesn’t work just to gt you to buy theirs. Look for testimonials about the product. See what other people are saying, buy from someone you trust, if you think that in your gut it is a scam then it probably most likely is. Just go into finding that proper healthy weight loss program with a positive mind and do some research on it.

The best feeling in the world is to look in the mirror and be totally happy with the way you look. There are so many great variables that go along with looking good….you have more confidence, more energy,feel better, and are unstoppable, which gives you that personality that all people want to be around.


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Posted by admin - October 4, 2015 at 8:06 am

Categories: Weightloss   Tags: , ,

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