Concentration: Complete Exercise

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The Concentration exercises in Mouni Sadhu’s Book, “Concentration” “A guide
to mental Mastery” are much better but you have to read every word of his
instructions and then be scrupulous about doing everything exactly as Mouni
Sadhu says to do. Also, you must have patience. Muni Sadhu says that doing
the exercises in his book will actually change your brain for the better. I
did these exercises for years and found that there was always the
possibility to increase your ability to concentrate. Just to give an
example; at one time I could concentrate so focused on the Present, that
the past and the future actually disappeared. In that State I experienced
complete freedom and Joy. There was no past to feel guilty about and no
future to be afraid of.
I really enjoy your video but it seems that there is hardly any difference
between one video and the other. Would you be willing to add some more
variety to your series?
Thanks a lot. This has been quite helpful :)
Thanks for uploading this exercise…. this is so soothing and relaxing,
Good video. Concentration has always been a flaw of mine.
So Claim and peaceful my mind feels like it has been released from stress
and pressure.
really good video. I’ve watched other video and they weren’t nearly as
effective as your 4 step method. i actually got better. thanks breeeh
guys im studying 12 grade i cant concentrate…when i done once it last for
hours…but attaining it is difficult ….and i get tensed when portions r
vast… and because of that i cant even study a word….CAN U HELP ME??
That was amazing. I enjoyed it.
Ahhh yes, concentrate over a stimulating cup of coffee. :)
Amazing video!!! I will be watching this again in the future. What type of
music was playing at the end?
Is it normal to experience some closed eye visuals while doing this
exercise? It’s kinda creeping me out. I get some visuals, sometimes I see
faces, get startled and get a rush of anxiety that ruins the exercise a
bit. I can still focus on my breathing but each second it gets more intense
and harder to focus on the exercise. Some days I couldn’t sleep at night
because of these sights :/
Nice way to improve focus on something. Great video!
Really great experience….Thanks
Thanks a lot for a wonderful video.
and we must concentrate on our spelling
Wow, 18 minutes passed by…
A mosquito bit my hand while practicing stage 3, that was highly
distracting, however i think the exercices are very useful, thank you!
I feel so relaxed. Almost hypnotized. There a reason that when I get into a
deep state of meditation I see a really fast flashing light?
This was the best video on meditation i’ve ever seen….Just amazing….And
more important …very effective…
Thanks. I believe it will help me
Nicely Done
Orange is the New Black brought me here!
‘ Get off the couch and off your computers’ people comment as they sit on
their couch and are on their computers.
Orange Is The New Black.
Oh my goodness. This really frightened me. I spend hours in front of my
laptop. I always mean to go walking and I am never motivated to go. I am
overweight. I have hypertension and high cholesterol both kept in check
with medication.
OK I am inspired now. I want to be around for many more years.
I watch TV while exercising (recumbent cycle) is that bad or good???
How do you differentiate between watching too much tv and not exercising.
Seems to me the problem isn’t necessarily watching TV but it is that you
don’t exercise. What if someone followed the exercise plan and still
watched a lot of TV, is there a difference there?
Get OFF your couch!
You will GAIN immensely.
Glad to have a standing desk =)
I train MMA and usually log about 4 hours a day – lifting, circuit
training, and technique training. But, I also work from home and sometimes
I will have to forgo training from 3 days to a week for really intense
deadline pressures that have me sitting at my desk the whole time for up to
12 to 15 hours straight. When this happens, I’ve found the best thing to do
is set a timer for 45 minutes. I work for 45 minutes, then take a 10 minute
break where I pound out 20 pushups, 20 pullups, 20 situps, 20 squats, and 1
minute of shadow boxing.
ANYBODY can do something like that if they have a desk job. Just take 10
minutes, do some jumping jacks, do a few pushups, then back to work.
Just found this channel and I love the explanations with drawings. Very
interesting !
Love this video. The focus of this video is really physical activity: “any
bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy
expenditure” (WHO). Exercise: activity requiring physical effort, carried
out especially to sustain or improve health and fitness. I think of
exercise as a planned, repetitive activity, where physical activity is just
raking leaves or walking the dog, but could include jogging. Perhaps it is
just semantics.
If you want to get off your computer and get active for 1 hour at least go
for a walk, stop being a couch potato, and play sport. Go to and join free individually and place your activity that
you like to do, or with a club etc.
very inspirational. ive tried this method and am still alive to day.
#lifechanger #imhealthyandiknowit
The single best video on YouTube, this video must be shared amongst all
family and friends regularly and shown in all schools. I have not seen a
video that puts it message across as well as this one, it does it in a low
key non-aggressive manner but demands to be taken seriously with the
thought that has gone into the presentation style and content. Just
I love this video. I am studying Exercise and Disease Prevention and my
Prof recommended watching this video in the first lecture. Such a good
From +DocMikeEvans: What is the single best thing we can do for our #health
Nice :)
It really is this easy. #Exercise is #medicine. So add a bit today! #Nature
helps too – so take it outside
This is one of my favorite videos
#health #prevention
Cognitivism: High Extraneous Load: Cognitive Load Theory is all about the
way that the student’s process information. Extraneous Cognitive Load
specifically deals with the manner in which the information is presented to
the learners. The attached video “23 and 1/2 hours” is a high extraneous
load. This video is a high extraneous load because it has an on-going
narrative, a person simultaneously writing notes, drawing pictures, writing
percentages and referencing numerous scientists and their scientific
studies. I think that this video is very effective for an adult who may
already be familiar with many of the issues being discussed. However some
secondary students may become confused and over loaded by the amount of
health issues, scientific studies, individuals mentions, statistics
presented, while still connecting all of this back to the main thesis.
I think that if we were to actually stay active at least two hours a day
then by the time we reach 30 we will still be able to do the things that we
like to do. Such as biking, swimming, running, jogging, and many more
activities that we enjoy.
23 and 1/2 hours: What is the single best thing we can do for our health?
i love these dr.mike videos…..he already helped me quit smoking. now its
time to lose the weight! thanks Dr. Mike!
This is the single best thing you can do for your health
#OceansideCareCenter #besttips #health
23 and 1/2 hours: What is the single best thing we can do for our health?
Exercise as medicine.