Debunking the paleo diet | Christina Warinner | TEDxOU
TED Fellow Christina Warinner is an expert on ancient diets. So how much of the diet phad the “Paleo Diet” is based on an actual Paleolithic diet? The answer…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
TED Fellow Christina Warinner is an expert on ancient diets. So how much of the diet phad the “Paleo Diet” is based on an actual Paleolithic diet? The answer…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
She doesn’t debunk the Paleo diet at all. The foods she lists are exactly
what it calls for. Unprocessed whole foods. Meat, vegetables, fruits and
stay away from Wheat – especially the high yield dwarf wheat
The title is a complete misnomer. This is support for the paleo diet. The
only “debunking” is the name. Is the name the most important? So it’s not
an ancient diet but a modern success based on millions of years of
artificial selection. Great. We’re thankfully in a world of wonderful
innovation and technology that can allow for healthy choices, instead of
nature giving us the circumstances that make it necessary to eat anything
and everything. I’ve been broke enough that I’ve lived on free food, and
most of it is sweets and grains. I was miserable. Sugar is a survival food,
it is not a luxury.
Anyways, this video should be seen as a clarification and support of the
paleo diet, except the parts where she seems to believe the diet is
obsessed with meat- and I have never heard that. There are many paleo
writers and specialists who say you can be vegetarian and go on paleo, or
even vegan. It’s just harder as you limit your food choices to (basically)
vegetables, peanut butter and beans as a vegan paleo.
Apparently some of you vegans are very ignorant of the devastation cause by
agriculture and that agriculture feeds the evil of CAFOs, that allows you
to eat a environmentally unsound diet. You debate from a state of ignorant
bliss, high and mighty about how morally superior you are for not eating
meat. There is no saving grace for your ignorance, as we turn to more soy
and grains that cause desertification. There is hope, as some growers
return to traditionally raising of animals and of land and have turn some
acres of land that was dead into thriving living things again.
Fuck Paleo. Fuck Veganism. Fuck this low cholesterol, low saturated fat
nonsense. Saturated fat and cholesterol are vital to any man as they are
shown to directly increase testosterone levels. Red meat is good for you.
Starch and sugar have made America into a nation of fat weaklings. Veganism
is basically trying to sustain one’s self on fiber. Paleo is just
overthinking things. Diet is simple. Make sure you eat enough fat, protein,
micronutrients, and fiber and modulate your carb intake based on whether
you are trying to gain, lose, or maintain your weight.
I’ll summarize this 20-minute scientific high-horse attack on the most
effective way to increase lean muscle mass, decrease unhealthy and
unnecessary levels of bodyfat, and to supplement an incredibly active
lifestyle through healthy eating: So, “Paleo” as corporate America likes to
think of it, isn’t actually what it is.. However, although we have modified
the quantity of various nutrients we consume when we claim to “follow the
Paleothic diet”, it doesn’t mean you aren’t eating healthy. In fact, eating
high protein through non red meats such as poultry and fish, high fats
through nuts and seeds, no starch, ton of leafy-greens, and a ton of water,
in combination with a highly active lifestyle, we are healthy.. we just
aren’t necessarily consuming the TRUE way in which Paleothic people did.
Therefore, what we think of as the “Paleo diet”, isn’t actually the true
paleo diet, but it’s still healthy as fuck and you’ll get shredded and bang
bitches until the “cows” come home!
Lol, paleo
H/t +Ben Hibben
The name may be inaccurate, but calling it Paleo and associating it with
cavemen was a great win in terms of branding. This white lie has managed to
convince thousands of people to eat healthy.
I lost 35lbs and went from 19% Body Fat to 9% in 3 mos. on a Paleo diet. I
also felt much better and had lost all my joint pain du to the lack of
gluten. It works for me! You need Fat not carbs. Your brain is 70% made of
fat. There is a reason people swear on Coconut oil and Avocados, you need
the fat and cholesterol from protein, cholesterol makes Testosterone.
If ancient Africans (which is where we all came from) didn’t eat much meat,
then what did they eat? The grasslands supply almost nothing in the way of
edible plants, especially not fruits. They might have been able to get some
vitamin C by chewing and sucking on fresh grass but they certainly didn’t
eat it. The answer I believe is pretty obvious, if you were stuck in a
place like that with no food, what are you going to do first: forage the
grass and pray for an orange tree to appear, or make a pointy stick and
stab an animal to cook on a fire?
You can’t convince the Paleo cultists they’re wrong because they’re
generally the same retards that do Crossfit. Enjoy your fucked up knees and
blown out backs you simple morons!
“Human BEings with our judgements and expectations, our ego is the very
adversary, it judges us so harshly individually yet universally. We are
predictable and programmable to willingly be led to sickness and mortality
using ignorance and fear to mock the ego that must believe its right so it
will remain doing nothing. Slavery. ”
Debunking the debunker. This woman is wrong on so many levels, and she is
pretending to be a molecular biologist when that is obviously not the case.
Plant based lectins having positive effects… because ribosome
inactivating proteins (R.I.P.) do a body good apparently. This crap right
here is why I have no respect for TED, none. These questions have been
tackled by greater minds than her, and tackled convincingly.
As far as no teeth for cutting raw meat, I’ve eaten raw meat and I’m here
to tell you the human dental equipment is more than up to the challenge, it
even tackles smaller bones fairly well. Likewise, humans have relatively
short digestive tracts in comparison to grazing animals that subsist off
grains. Last time I checked I don’t have four stomachs to break down grass.
She effectively debunks her own claim that you can use nitrogen isotopes
to determine very much of anything diet related. So my question is, where
is the science? Where is her evidence, does she have anything empirical?
Accepted thought in biological anthropology is that humans are and have
been omnivores since, well before we were homo sapiens sapiens and ate
little to no grain. Where is her refutation for this? Finding primitive
grinding equipment 30,000 years ago hardly constitutes much alarm when it
is barely a blip on the screen when compared to the whole of human
evolution. Humans themselves have been around for at least 500,000 years
and new research is suggesting closer to 600,000 years and our diet was
pretty much the same and animal bones with butchery marks have been found
as old as 3.4 million years. 30,000 years my ass.
All this molecular biologist sees is a bunch of armchair conjecture on her
part, backed by a miniscule amount of (self-admittedly) very sketchy
nitrogen charts. She strawmans the Paleo diet by making it out to be
carnivorous only, and giving a couple of examples of food that is no longer
the way it used to be… Claiming victory after knocking down these false
targets. She doesn’t deal with the high lectin content found in wheats and
grains, she doesn’t deal with the phytoestrogens, and ribosome inactivating
proteins, purines, ODAPs and a whole host of other toxins found in legumes.
No one is arguing that humans are carnivores, and no one is arguing that
selectively bred vegetation is inherently negative in health effects for
having been modified.
Me, I tend to shy away from foods that would make me vomit and worse yet
lead to paralysis and death in some cases in their natural state without
processing. Call me crazy, but it seems to work and that pretty much fits
the bill for the paleo diet. Still awaiting a debunking and not some
anti-meat rant, sprinkled with very subjective data. Give me something
empirical, and stick to a central refutation or go home. Charts do not
automatically equate to good science, that is all.
What she did in this presentation is not to criticize the nutritional
benefits of the “paleo” diet but analyze its strict textbook definition of
PALEO in terms of what pre-Neolithic Revolution humans ACTUALLY ate. Her
main point is that a lot of the meat and even fruits and vegetables that
make up the “paleo” diet have changed so much in terms of how they’re
raised and grown that they’re essentially not the same as their equivalents
in the pre-Neolithic era. The beef we’re eating today (common part of the
paleo diet) is not the same as the beef our ancestors ate due to
domestication of different breeds of cattle across the last 10,000 years
and GMOs that are involved in cattle production. Her presentation is more
an argument against the labeling of the word “paleo” rather than any
nutritional debate. The “paleo” diet should really be called the “whole
food minus gains and wheat” diet.
This woman is an idiot. Humans are omnivores, and either hunting for or
scavenging for meat and bone marrow allowed our brains to grow over the
millennia. Chimpanzees, our closest living primate relatives, will eat
meat if they can. In addition, cooking allowed us to get MORE nutrients
out of our food. Mainstream science accepts this as a FACT.
The only “myth” here is that this woman got an education at whatever
chickenshit diploma mill she sent her $25 and cereal box tops to.
This is a great talk. Sadly, telling people Paleo is BS is like telling
people that CrossFit is BS. Moving on lol
The key to this talk is NOT about “debunking” Paleo, but bringing a more
realistic approach to what Paleo is. It’s so easy for ideas to become
institutions and veer away from their original concepts. Look at CrossFit
for example… what started off with standardization and a good concept,
quickly spread to become an unnecessarily controversial fitness system
where some people are thriving and others actually dying. Yet CrossFit
itself, at its core, can be a great program!
@MarkClark: She knows more than you, obviously. because she has come
forward , a doctor, with a proven degree, who knows what she knows, because
of the degree. I’d bet on HER anyday , over you, what about that confuses
you ? 😉
FOol, she IS a archeological ‘scientist’ who is studying the health and
dietary ‘histories’ of ancient peoples, which you would have known, if you
have bothered to watch even a few seconds of the video.
It doesn’t matter if its targeted at men, which by pictures I think its
‘obvious’ it is! Doesn’t matter in the slightest.
Your info about ‘meat’ is also all wrong on this front; Did you miss the
pictures in the video, showing the ‘common’ advertised diets showing people
eating red meat in huge plates ??
OF COURSE not, because you refused to watch the ‘video’, therefore you’ve
been left ignorant about her information contained therein .
Next, meat is not ok, as if you had , again, watched the video, you would
know full well,we aren’t supposed to be eating meat at all ( preference)
given we aren’t even ‘designed’ physiologically, genetically or
anatomically for meat at all.
By the way, its ridiculous for you to come here parading your knowledge,
and then doing squat in the form of citing peer reviewed evidence, etc.
Epic fail Mark.
She keeps comparing and stating we are different to carnivores. Well of
course we are. We are OMNIVORES. All the books I have read on paleo have
stated that bone marrow and organ meat would have been our preference. They
do not claim we are supposed to eat tons of meat either just adequate
amounts of meat and sea food for our daily needs. The paleo books I have
read also state that we have to use our modern foods to try and mimic what
was consumed during the paleo era. They are perfectly aware that it is not
exactly the same. We are also not consuming the grain and seeds of the
paleo era. We are being forced to eat GMO grains so avoiding them would be
a wise decision. She is still describing a hunter gatherer type life
Yeah, I’m about 5 minutes in and she’s already trying to push some HUGE
misconceptions about the paleo diet. It’s not about percentages. It’s not
supposed to be primarily meat. It’s about you finding what mix of foods is
right for you from the foods that were available to our ancestors. I’ve
been doing paleo for a month now, and not only is it the only diet that has
ever actually worked to help me lose weight, but in just one month I lost
about 7 kilos of fat while building muscle and greatly improving my overall
health. Did I eat a lot of meat? Sure I did … but I ate a lot of
vegetables and nuts as well. In fact, on a typical day, at least one of my
meals will be entirely vegetarian.
The diet isn’t about how much meat you’re supposed to eat. It’s about what
you’re eating. She’s entirely wrong on her description of what the diet is
about. There are some foods which our bodies are VERY good at utilizing,
and some foods which we are not very good at utilizing, and some foods that
are strait up bad for us. Paleo is about focusing your diet on the things
we are very good at utilizing, and as long as you’re just eating those,
proportion makes little difference.
Here’s what I know … I eat until I’m full at every meal, anything I want
that’s on the diet. As a result, my energy is high all day long, I sleep
like a baby at night, my skin has cleared up, and my fitness level has made
leaps and bounds over where it was when I was still eating all that junk.
My workout routine is pretty much the same, but the results are just coming
so much faster and greater than ever before.
Debunk, don’t debunk, all I know is it works, and does so at a level which
is far beyond anything else I’ve ever seen or tried.
We lack a big cecum or rumen, we are unable to enzymatically brake down
cellulose nor fermet b12 producing bacteria in out diet, we also have a
protein to absorb B12 called the intrisic factor…..the appendix is a
vestigial organ of what used to be a bigger bacteria fermentig organ.
The homo species has been an omnivore for at least 3 million years.
Humans cannot be healthy on pure raw vegetable diet, especially in low
light countries.
We have high requirements for Vitamin D and B12 and our metabolism is
higher than most animals. We are Omnivores just like chimpanzees and most
We need mostly vegetables but also some source of animal matter.
Enzymatic deficiencies cannot signify jack, cats lack the enzymes to make
taurine therefore they need to eat it as a vitamin and dogs do not have
this problem. Vitamin C is produced also by carnivorous reptiles and deers,
only primates and therefore humans also have lot the ability to make
vitamina C but because such a mutation didn’t affect them.
About the digestive tract…..there are huge differences between a cow and
a horse in digestive tract and lenght but that is explained by their
different metabolism and motion, horses are evolved to run fast and must
digest quicker and with ease, cows can take up to 2 weeks to digest a
single meal instead and are quite stiff animals.
We need B12 and D absolutely and getting sufficient ammounts from non
fortified plant matter is out of question. Zinc also is something hard to
get in high levels on a raw plant diet.
Be vegan if you want but take the supplements-fortified food you need,
there is fossil evidence for Homo meat consumption all the way to
Australopithecus 3.4 million years ago.
Let’s not falsify historical and scientific data to promote subjective
ethical diets.
Debunking the paleo diet | Christina Warinner | T…:
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Hey cross fitters……Just out of curiosity, did the Paleoman eat some
form of meat at every meal? Also what was their death and stroke rate from
older age athersclerosis and arteriosclerosis caused by the accumulation of
fat build up in their interior coronary arteries due to high cholesterol
diet? Also, why do the oldest living human beings on the planet reside in
Okinawa japan, with more 100 year olds than any culture and one of their
staple foods is rice? I thought rice was bad. Last question, why have
paleontologist found evidence within the teeth of ancient man that
indicated that they did in fact eat grains and legumes that you state did
not occur? If you can answer all these questions with proven scientific
lituature then I will believe your claims about the Paleo diet.
All I have to do to debunk Warinner’s debunking is to imagine how I would
sustain myself without a grocery store, Her evidence is far fetched and
thin. Meat is the key to man’s rise. It seems so self evident to me. We are
not all day grazers like deer. Intelligent beings find the most nutritious
food to sustain the brain by using intelligent means. The last vestiges of
primitive cultures survive mainly by hunting.
Empirical evidence is what matters to me, not the name or the premise. I
have lost over 50 lbs of fat in three months leaving only lean, healthy
muscle behind. I have sustained energy all day and I don’t get sick.
Ever. My before and after photos, my blood and hormone test results, and
perhaps most importantly, the way I feel and think are all phenomenal.
Throw out the premise. We can change the name. Paleo works.