Female Fitness Motivation – Go Get It!
Don’t let yourself be fooled by the supplement industry anymore and check out http://www.5percentnutrition.com/ by Rich Piana for serious and reasonable supplements. But don’t forget to eat!…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
I’m not a girl but it motivates me to go to the gym to see those asses !!
god it’s like being in heaven !
Like if you came just to see all the insecure ugly girls in the comments
try and say those girls in the video weren’t even hot.
Check out on my page my motivation video! > http://goo.gl/Mech2X
You can do it!!
The video that turns gay guys strait
Female Fitness Motivation – Go Get It!: http://youtu.be/ptJWKnQmPWI
I wouldn’t be able to work out with girls like these in the gym..
i think women shouldn´t to much weight exercises especially for the upper
body . Some Squats and so on are good to go but generally muscles aren´t
feminine at all..
Nice Work
Poor girls on here watching this probably think this is all achievable
naturally! Haha!
Эти тела им не дала природа, они их заработали тяжелым трудом в тренажерном
If these girls were at my gym I’d be pumped 24/7
Im seeing people be sad that they arent like this and think they never will
be, but just remember, all of these people didnt start off like this, they
had to work their asses off to become the bodies they wanted, if they can
do it, so can you. It wont be easy, but you will be very happy if you try
and see improvement
these girls are GASSY
one day i will have a wife like this…. i hope it
Hey if you got the body show it! And motivate others. Not in a provocative
way but in a way that’s inspiring.
Great workout motivation!! Exercise is disease prevention!! :0) Ms. M
Who was that blonde sprinter
You can tell this is a paid promotional as 90% of these women would not be
allowed to work out in my gym as soon as they stepped out the change room
they would get pulled up for dressing inappropriately and asked to either
change or leave
how many fat bitches are watching this?
Those are the girls I’d love to rim.
I’m really needing movitation!!! I’m so lazy
Very motivational, I want to have sex now
How do you have time to do that! And work 56 hours a week and be a full
time student?
How do I get in shape?
I’m 15. 5’4 and 132lbs. I don’t think I’m “fat” or “over weight”, but I’m
definitely not happy with my body. I have no regular fitness routine.. I
don’t exercise or anything. (I know I should) but mostly I’d just like to
get healthy and tone up a bit. Nothing major. Mostly lose some fat and gain
more muscle. I’m jiggly and weak! lol I’ve done lots of research and stuff
but honestly I have no idea where to start. I plan on getting a membership
to the local gym, but I have no idea what to do there. I also need diet
tips. I eat regular meals.. Too much junk and sugar, I’m sure. Oh and one
last thing.. I have a huge butt. Haha but it’s just fat. I don’t like it.
Squat tips? Please help! Thanks in advance.
1:24 hahahaha