Grow Taller Exercises: Stretching Your Legs and Spine To Increase Height
If you want More Hidden Exercises I Highly Recommend “Dr. Darwin Smith” “Grow Taller 4 Idiots” book buy here… Read with…
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Age 16, did these exercises in the morning, afternoon, and around bed time.
After just two weeks went from 5’7 to 5’9. Drink at least two glasses of
milk, and I ate around a bowl of raw brocoli everyday
Ok so I’m 174cm now, December 14, 2014, I will come back January 1, 2014
I will do exactly what video says.
and give you all results
im 18 5’10 starting 12/20/14 and ill be back 1/1/15
Hey Guys , I live in England and my Name is Rickshay , I’m now 16 yrs and
my height is 1 m 58 cm , i’m short and it’s so embarrassing in my society
or even in my family ! They say i’m too short ! Someone Please help me If
There is some solution to this problem ! I need your help guys ! Please
give me the Best solution of how can i grow taller ! Please help !
*G r o w i n g up I was always teased for how short I was… It got me
really depressed throughout high school and into my college years. I
thought t h e r e had to be a way to grow again even though I doubted it
the whole time. I tried exercises but I never grew at all. One of my close
friends told me about growtallerways w ebsite and I thought I’d give it a
try since I didn’t have anything else to l o s e… **I started taking
Growth Sinerama** I’ve been taking it for six months now. I actually
started growing again! I grew 3 inches and I have this product to thank for
it. I n e v e r thought I’d actually be at a normal height for a male.
Suggest everyone..*
*I am using Growth-Sinerama.I don’t know how they came up with this
formula, but it’s made a huge difference in my overall perception of the
world and I could be more excited about finally being as tall as I’ve
always wanted to be. *I am strong, confident, and ready to take on the
world, thanks Growth-Sinerama* , I didn’t know the difference a few inches
would make*
Okay so I am a girl 158 cm 16 years old , I started doing the exercices
today ( december 29 ) I will come back in two month (MARCH 1 ST ) I hope
this work , I will post and update evry 3 weeks
I’m 12 and 5’3 how tall do you think I’ll be
I’m a girl
*Growth Sinerama works great.Too many products claim to increase height but
none of them back it up. I tried other products and nothing has worked
except Growth Sinerama! I look younger, feel better, and stand taller at
ok its monday and i will start these exercises today… i am 15 years old
and 171 -172 cm tall (not really sure)… anyway after 2 weeks i will show
how much have i grown but i want to ask 1 thing… 1 exercice (for example
cobra) how many time in a day should i do it to have good results? thnx and
wish me luck…
Are the results permanent?
I am 14 years old and 5’5. I do these exercices twice a day. My dad is
almost 5’10. Am I going to be taller then dad untill i stop growing? Please
reply :)
Basketball doesn’t make you taller. I have a friend who’s been playing
basketball for like 5 years and he’s still 4’9 whilst me, a total lazy bum
is 13 and 5’6
Fact of the matter is, it’s all in the genes but you can change that by
developing a good posture which will only maximise your height. These
stretches won’t make you taller physically but will just make you seem
taller, in contrast to somebody who may have a curved spine for example. If
you are under 16, I personally would recommend that you just eat well and
balanced and keep doing sport and sleep well [8 hours]. All this can help
your growth to continue healthily. What you don’t want to do is stunt your
growth, as you’ve probably heard, by pulling heavier weight then your own
body mass or not sleeping much. So if you are hoping to get taller and
you’re still quite young then just be sure to eat healthily [balanced],
drink milk & at least 2 litres of water a day. Continue to do these
stretches if you feel they have helped but most importantly don’t stunt
your growth with the rush to hit the gym. I’m 18 and I stand 179cm tall but
hope to hit 183cm by next year. I was 172cm last year so anything is
Hope this helped.
I am a girl, 15, 5″0. Ill be trying this out for 1 month. Will try to post
an update every week. Wish me luck:)
I’m 13 and I’m 5’2 and I really want to be 5’10 when I’m an adult will this
work? Please respond and I’m female.
Im 13 years old and im 162 cm around 5 foot 3 and i will be back in a week.
I am 19 years old and 171 cm will this work for me at all ?
PLEASE HELP! I’m 12 years old girl and 5’2. My mom is 5’3 and my dad is 6’0
my dads side is pretty tall. My sister grew to be 5’7 and she’s 16. Would I
grow to be 5’8 or something like that with these stretches and plus I’m
still 12
I did most of those exercises plus a few more almost every day (most of the
time i was doing it twice a day, 6-12minutes for every “training”) for over
one month, i drunk milk at least 250ml and i slept 7-9 hours/day. I didn’t
grown at all (or if i did, it’s under 1cm) and it gave me back pains,
probably the only good thing is that i became more flexible. I don’t say
that i doesn’t work at all, but it didn’t work on me.
EDIT: I’m almost 19 years old and 168-169cm tall.
18 and 5″9, will report in 2 weeks
does this guy even know english? but his videos do work. I’m 15 year and i
did these exercises for 3 months and grew 2 feet. i drank lots of coke and
ate a lot of cereal.
Wow…I am a ballerina (been dancing for 7/6 years) and we usually do these
exercises…Still im 11 at 125 cm (Yea,I know I’m short as freaking hell) I
do know about the genetics things…But yea…125 cm is for around 7 year
Im 12 years old and my goal is to be 6’5 and im 5’6 right now and I will do
these exersices everyday and show the results march 1