My Diet & Fitness Tips! | Gigi
A few of my diet and fitness tips that I use to stay in shape and healthy!!! For the cute capri leggings I mentioned use the coupon code “STYLIST20” to get 2…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
A few of my diet and fitness tips that I use to stay in shape and healthy!!! For the cute capri leggings I mentioned use the coupon code “STYLIST20” to get 2…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
your body is just…. wow. coming from a straight male you are gorgeous.
I was just wondering when you are a transit woman do you get your male
parts taken off? Not beinf rude im just really confused :/ congrats on the
1 million subs girl. Xoxo
Literally eating pizza as I watch this. #fatlife
I really like Naked. They have amazing green smoothies and they even have a
chia seed infused smoothie.
I lost almost 30 kilos (60 pounds) drinking juice made with celery (2 o 3),
pineapple, cactus (I don’t know if that’s the word in english, but it’s
“nopal” in spanish) and chia seeds. It cleanses the liver and accelerates
your carbs metabolism, which is the best way to loose weight. It’s
something I learned at biochem class.
That juice is rich and vitamins. The only downside is the natural sugar
from fruits! You were close. I love you, GiGi!
I have been watching Gigi on YouTube and I support her for her decisions
and her strong character. It’s great how she tries to make us understand
that transgender people are normal and not bad as many others say. I know
that it might be an offensive question but has she done the big surgery? I
tried to find out myself from the comments and her videos but I didn’t find
anything. Anyway, I still support her and admire her.
I have to eat healthy and work out due to me having diabetes so we are
I hope that is a workout idea! love you girl :*
workout buddies GiGi!! ❤️ I drink the green tea antioxidant its so so so
yummy and its by POM :)) and I run 1 mile on the treadmill and 20 pushups
and 6 squats a day
When you threw the juice, I was afraid it was going to open and spill
If you want to be super healthy you should look into plant-based diets.
They honestly make you feel amazing and give you so much energy!
I’m SO glad you taught people how to do squats correctly. So many girls go
knees over toes which is wrong and incredibly harsh on your joints and
lower back.
My mother has a juicer. And i really like the juice apple pear and a little
bit ginger
her butt looks so good tho like forreal????
lol you look like your gonna work out in the Anaconda video, like forreal
though, i never work out so i don’t know but is that really what people
look like when they work out??
I was eating chips and drinking soda when watching this..
your ass is…. SO PERFECT… lemme touch…. 0_0
don’t drink diet coke, it has aspartame in it which is poison to your
Oh heck no that sports bra would not work. I have to wear two and they are
hardcore underarmour or Nike
So what do you do if you’re changing your sex from male to female? Do they
cut off your genitals? Are you still able to get an orgasm? How does it
affect peeing? I’m so confused lol
I thought I was the only one who thought certain water brands tasted like
I love soy milk but you have to be careful on which kind you get I get the
Organic soymilk. dont get the silk. Xoxo Gigi 😉
Hey gigi, you probably won’t reply but please could you tell me where you
go your green blanket that was in the background of this video ? Thanks
i HATE dasani too. i cant believe how some people drink it like its normal
You’re talking about the Dasani water gurl haha totally agree taste like
tires haha
Just curious, why do Americans drink bottled water? Why don’t you guys
drink from the tap?