Medical Weight Loss

Do you want to do away with your excess weight? Then medically supervised weight loss is the ideal program for you to follow. This is because they are more advanced than any ordinary dieting and exercise routines that most people usually undertake. Why medical weight loss is recommended is because it only starts after several examinations have been carried on the person who is to go through with the program, this is to make sure that, the person is physically and medically fit to undergo the process of weight loss. When you go for medical check up, some of the initial tests that are mostly conducted are body weight, body fat, hat rate and waist to hip ratio. This type of weight loss deals mostly with professionals in the medical field, therefore they employ many different types of strategies in order to aide you reduce your weight, the guides include giving you a nutritional guide and the use of weight loss supplements. On the other hand some of the most reliable methods that other people employ include meal replacements and appetite suppressors.

As for what concerns meals replacements, they are mainly prescribe by doctors for obese people for a medical reduction in weight. Depending on the arrangement with your expert, they can be conducted at least four to five times everyday. Furthermore when it comes to replacing meals you go to replace soups and puddings. At the end of this replacement, what is maintain as your meal is a small piece of lean meat together with large amounts of vegetables and salads as well. The replacements are taken within a time interval of at least two to three hours; they are being accompanied with a six glasses of water every given day. The advantage of this program over the others is that it is suitable for both men and women. Note here that the replacement plan is not a medium to low calorie diet and helps in loosing between two to five per week.

This plan is very dynamic in that it also includes the use of appetite suppressors which is meant to reduce greatly carbohydrate craving in your body. An example of this is the serotonin suppressant which is used in stabilizing the hormones, because and imbalance in its secretion will lead to food cravings. It is good to know what is serotonin, It is defined as a chemical which is meant to transmit nerve impulse in the brain and its lower levels are known induce carbohydrates cravings. Therefore reducing its aide in keeping away cravings is a means of loosing weight. The suppressants must only be given to somebody under the strict professional authority, because they can greatly interfere with some body’s feelings and moods if they are not used properly.
The second advantage of this type of weight loss is that any one regardless of their health background can benefit from a program that will take care of his or her needs. More to that diabetics as well as individuals with hypertension or high blood pressure can be diagnosed early enough after which a healthy diet program will be prescript that will not affect their health.

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Wellness Mama Website Introduction Video Katie, aka the Wellness Mama, provides simple answers for healthier families. Katie writes about a holistic wellness lifestyle that …
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Latino Health

Latino Health Issues.  Latino Health Surprises and Strengths.  Public Policy that affects and influences Latinos and health.  How we define, engage and protect our own health

And, perhaps most important, how these issues affect us and our day to day lives.

Health is applicable to every area of our being — we talk about emotional, physical, mental and spiritual health.  We also discuss our financial health.

I chose this issue for this month, January, since health issues — and getting “healthier” in a number of ways — seem to be on everyone’s minds.  

We take up exercise (or head back to the gym), promise to get out of debt, or perhaps even think about going to church more, sticking with a meditation program or getting “toxic” folks out of our life.

Health is about our environment as a whole, not just the physical environment, but also the psychic environment — who we let in our lives an influence our energy.  And these health issues are sometimes out of our control.  We’ll also consider what in our world influences our health in our communities — asthma, environmental toxins, our housing, etc.

There are community health centers that focus on, and cater to, Latino populations.  These centers often (but not always) understand that Latinos may think very differently about health issues.

For example, Latinos have for a long time understood at some level that our emotions influence our health, and vice versa.  You can probably think of some examples of this.

Some of our families’ “superstitious” ways and folk medicine have been remedies for the things that ail us.

And although in certain ways Latino communities have been very progressive from a health angle, in other ways, we have been less than open.

Mental health issues have long been a stigma in our communities — sometimes to the extent that we refuse to acknowledge even in our own families that something might be drastically wrong.  Issues such as schizophrenia, depression and manic disorders may not be recognized at all.

And our sexual health and well-being is something that is also not often addressed.

How do we take care of our own health, and do so in a way that encourages not only our own well-being, but that of those in our communities as well?

This month we’ll hear from women who work in different health arenas, and find out what issues they see, and how they deal with health concerns in their own lives.

What about YOU?  In what ways do you want to get healthier?  What are your challenges, and what are your strengths?  Go for it, chica!  This is the year to become the most Powerful Latina yet…

Aurelia Flores wants to offer a learning opportunity to other women who might find themselves in similar shoes. She strongly believes women can learn from other women, no matter where they are in their career or life path.

Aurelia Flores went from single teenage mother in an abusive relationship to Stanford Law School grad and Senior Counsel for a Fortune 500 company and has overcome obstacles and founded Powerful Latinas to get Latina women to learn and share with one another.  Powerful-Latinas mission is “helping powerful Latina women stay grounded in their power!”  To find out more, go to

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Posted by admin - February 23, 2015 at 9:03 pm

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