Diet Health – The Grapefruit Diet

If you haven’t heard of the grapefruit juice diet before you are about to be introduced to one of the easiest and most effective fat burning diets known to mankind. Why? Because other than most diets, which require fasting and a lot of self discipline, this juice diet allows you to eat three meals of food each day.

On the grapefruit juice diet you can expect to lose ten pounds in just under two weeks. And if you continue the diet you can lose up to 52 pounds in under three months!

However, the grapefruit juice diet is not for everyone so if you have any medical conditions or are taking any medications you need to consult with your doctor or health expert to see if your body may have any adverse reactions.

But don’t let the doctor laugh and try to tell you that the grapefruit diet is nonsense. Some doctors react this way because they have never done one themselves and there is not any money in these types of natural health solutions. It also damages their ego when they realize how simple health really is.

If this is the case simply state to them that you would like to know if there is any danger for yourself if you consume a lot of grapefruit juice. Tell them that you would like to find out for yourself whether it works or not.

Exercise For Diet Health

You will need to embrace fitness as a part of your lifestyle while on this diet, and after the diet if you want to keep the fat off. One hour a day is recommended, but thirty minutes, six days a week will do. Anyone who thinks a diet, all by itself, will trim their body, keep them healthy, and keep the fat off is full of crap. Diet and exercise create health together.

The Specific Diet

Plan three meals for your day, but understand that each will include grapefruit. You can eat eggs and bacon, or protein shakes for breakfast, salad, meat, and other vegetables for your lunch and dinner, and if you need to have a nighttime snack try drinking a glass of milk. Also remember to take your vitamin and mineral supplements.

Be aware of how you feel after each meal because some people can get an upset stomach from combining fruit and meat. If this is the case either stop the diet or stop eating meat for the rest of the diet.

You have the option of eating one half of a grapefruit or drinking 8-10 ounces of home made grapefruit juice with each meal. If is important that you make the juice yourself with real organic grapefruits.

Bottled juice from the store always contains too much sugar. It is also important that you don’t add any sugar to the juice you make. You will need to consume 8-10 ounces of the juice with each meal.

Why Does This Work?

Grapefruit has inimitable fat burning enzymes. Drinking it as oppose to eating it is most beneficial because the juice acts as a catalyst in starting the fat burning process. Another beneficial element of the grapefruit is its ability to lower the levels of insulin and blood sugar.

Some More Rules To Follow

While on the grapefruit diet it is crucial to drink a lot of water every day. Drink water between your meals.

While on the grapefruit diet you should try to avoid:

* More than 8 ounces of coffee each day (coffee can affect your insulin balance, which will delay the fat burning process)
* Desserts
* Processed food, fast food etc.
* White vegetables
* Sweet Potatoes
* Bread
* White Flour
* Sugar

If you are healthy enough give the grapefruit diet a try. You will improve your diet health, your energy levels, you will look better, and feel better within a couple weeks

Brue M. Baker, is an expert on natural health and fitness who has helped people from across the world sky-rocket their health and well-being. Rather than hitting your head against a wall trying to find unbiased health information let Brue take you by the hand and give you the best natural health information and resources on the web. Visit to learn more.

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Five Health and Wellness Tips

If you’re like most men, one of the primary goals you have each and every time you hit the gym is gaining a new sense of leanness.  You don’t just want to create a muscular body, what you’re looking for is to achieve a state of being ripped where you can see maximum muscle definition and turn heads everywhere.

So how do you go about doing this?  What are the secrets to getting ripped quickly?

Let’s give you a few pointers to get you started.

Eat Plenty Of Lean Protein

The very first tip you must abide by if you want to get ripped is to eat plenty of lean protein.  Lean protein is what will increase your metabolic rate, save your lean muscle mass, and ensure that you get that chiselled set of abs that you’re looking for.

Those who don’t get enough protein in their diet often end up looking soft rather than hard, so it’s a must to focus on for success.

Drink More Water

Second, you also should be aiming to drink as much water as you possibly can.  Don’t let yourself waste calories on beverages that will only set you back.  Staying well hydrated with at least ten glasses of water is the thing to do to achieve utmost leanness.

Water is not only going to flush the body of toxic build-up but it’s also going to help to banish any bloat that might be taking place.

Balance Exercise With Rest

One big mistake some guys make in their quest to get ripped is doing far too much exercise and not balancing this with rest.

Remember, some exercise is good but more is not better.  If you’re spending too much time in the gym and not enough time recovering, overtraining will set in.

If you become overtrained, you’re going to experience inflammation throughout the body and this can actually make you look puffy rather than lean and defined.

Get Metabolism Support

Maintaining a fast metabolism will also be important for burning off enough calories throughout the day and making good progress.  To keep your metabolism humming along, use a metabolic support product.

Phen375 accomplishes this very nicely and will also increase your energy levels as well so that you can give more to each workout session you do.


Finally, make sure that you commit to persevere with this goal.  Getting ripped isn’t something that’s going to happen overnight, but if you do carry out the proper action plan, it can happen a lot faster than you think.

As long as you have realistic expectations and are willing to put in some work, there is no reason why you can’t reach this goal.

So there you have the main things to keep in mind if you’re looking to attain a new state of leanness that you’ve never discovered before. Get your action plan in place and you’ll be on your way to your new body.

Welcome to, weight Loss of 25lbs In Just 6 Weeks…

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