Weight Loss Smarts

Most people think that there is quick fix out on the market today that will help them lose all their weight and keep it off in a short amount of time. Weight loss is important to a lot of people, but when you finally decide to lose weight there are some tips that you will need to follow to make sure that it lasts for good. The first thing to remember is that it took a long time to put the weight on and you should be ready to put in some time if you want the weight to come off.

When setting up your plan here are some simple tips to follow. The first thing to know about eating right is that you need to cut all the junk out of your diet. This means that you need to get rid of foods that have added sugars or added oils to them. Another thing that you will have to cut out of your diet is fast food which may taste great, but it is not good for you! Instead, here are some things that you need to consider eating in order to lose weight properly:

• Fruits and vegetables
• Low fat dairy products (low fat or nonfat yogurt, low fat or nonfat cheese, Low fat or nonfat milk) or soy dairy products
• Whole grain products (try to avoid products unless they have 100% whole wheat or have if they have added sugars)
• Lean cuts of meats (chicken, turkey, buffalo, lean beef products)

After figuring out what to eat, it is important to remember portion size. You cannot just switch what you put into your body and expect to achieve results based upon that alone. One portion is usually the size of your palm and no thicker than a deck of cards. Without portion control no diet has the ability to give you the long-term results you seek.

We hope that you have enjoyed these brief sensible dieting tips and that they help you get on the path to healthier living. If you follow this eating plan, you will begin to see the benefits of losing weight. Remember that weight loss is not easy, but if you are determined you can take off the weight and keep it off for life.

Rick enjoys writing articles on a wide variety of topics and interests. Come visit his latest website over at http://www.livingroomfurnituresectionals.com which helps people find the best living room furniture sectionals and information they need to make a wise decision about home furnishings.

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Current Popular Diets

Every day you hear of passengers who have to pay double because they can’t fit into just one airplane seat and you hear of people getting gastric bypass surgery to help them lose weight. With everyone getting fatter, it’s no wonder why there are so many diets out there. There are so many, in fact, that most overweight people have tried at least one or more of them. When trying to lose weight, people will do anything to drop those pounds; including trying every diet available. The most popular one right now include the Atkins diet, the South Beach diet as well as the Paleo diet. Whether or not these work depends on the person, how consistent they are, as well as how their body responds to the diet they’re currently attempting.

The Atkins Diet

Dr. Robert Atkins created this one after reading about a similar diet in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Dr. Atkins first published a book, also called the Atkins Nutritional Approach in 1972. This diet is the one that’s responsible for creating the ‘low carb’ craze. The company has had its troubles, with Dr. Atkins filing bankruptcy right before his death. Yet still today you can see foods, books and other products with the Atkins logo on it. While this diet has helped people lose weight, the weight tends to come back for most. It is also the subject of controversy where some claim the diet causes cardiovascular problems, kidney damage as well as a host of other ailments.

The South Beach Diet

This was created by Dr. Arthur Agatston, a cardiologist, and dietician Marie Almon. It was originally intended to prevent heart disease but soon gained popularity in the early 2000s as a way to drop pounds. It’s mantra is simple: replace bad fats with good fats and bad carbs with good carbs. The diet comes in three stages, with each stage allowing the dieter to eat a variety of different foods. It is still extremely popular today, but people seem to gain the weight back; just like with the Atkins diet.

The Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet, or the Paleolithic diet, is also referred to as the Caveman diet or Warrior Diet. It’s based on the idea that our bodies aren’t meant to digest certain foods, more specifically those that came into being after about ten thousand years ago. The diet focuses on foods such as meat, fish, nuts and roots; the foods cavemen ate so very long ago. The diet eliminates dairy, grains, refined sugar, salt and more. People have also lost weight on this diet but some dieticians and anthropologists dismiss the diet and some call it a fad diet.

The bottom line is that there are many popular diets out there. The thing they all have in common is the controversy and naysayers surrounding them. However, as long as you’re consistent and you’re realistic with your goals, you can lose weight on any diet and keep it off. It all depends on you and how badly you want to be thin once more.

Graeme Thompson writes for the Paleolithic Diet online community.


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