Slimming World Quiche Recipe
Only 1 syn for whole quiche Find me on Blogger Find me on Google+…
Exclusive Content @ ULTIMATE Inner Thigh Challenge Workout Best Leg Slimming Exercises For Thigh Gap The first in series o…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Slimming world makes recipes otherwise simple too fiddly.
hi angela hope your ok not seen you on YouTube for a while.x
It was lovely. I could do with a smaller dish tho. Thank you was very well
Just put this in the oven. My pasta didn’t absorb all the water so not sure
if I was meant to drain it beforehand. Oh well we shall wait and see.
Thanks again for video x
I love this quiche. Brill
Made this again today, it’s great to have cold with a bit of salad for
lunch. It also freezes well. Great recipe – Thanks xx
Looks nice but Shouldn’t you have used the low fat Cottage cheeses?
This was great! It’s going to go regularly into my lunchbox! Thanks for
posting, Angela.
do you let the pasta cool first before adding the eggs so they don’t
the cottage cheese – is that free or a HE,
…and the same for the ham?
Looks delicous most processed hams have syns too usually not a few slices
tho be trying this x
It looks really nice, gonna try this thank you. Xxx
Where does the 1 syn come from x
Great video!
PsycheTruth, REALLY!? “Exercises for THIGH GAP”… your channel is geared
toward women for beauty, relaxation, and self love. Why are you promoting
thigh gap in this manner? Slimmer legs, sure. But not every BODY can have a
thigh gap. I’m very disappointed in the title and promotion of this video.
she nervous or somethin
Loved the alien analogy, it’s so creative and funny which makes it perfect
to remember XD
Great video, although I am a guy, its a great thigh workout, down 21pounds
so far! . Yeah it helps that she is beautiful. P.S guys, they get it, yes
they are beautiful, no need for all the sexual comments. Some of the videos
its getting ridiculous.
I lol’ed at about 1:25, where she says that she likes to think about people
being abducted by aliens.
Catherine nice to see you on PsychTruth, are you related to Darlene at all?
Will Catherine Elizabeth be uploading more ballet exercises in this series?
If so, what will these videos be about?
I really dislike American women but I want to meet these women.
Too much talking and not enough working.
Welcome to PsycheTruth, Catherine! I enjoyed your video, even though I
don’t think it’s for me. I’m a runner (softball player and umpire), so I
WANT big thighs. I do lots of sprints for exercise. Nevertheless, you’re
a great addition to the PsycheTruth crew, and I look forward to your future
Can you do a ballet routine for a half hour to an hour? We love how you
teach, and want a ballet routine as a daily workout. Thanks!!
My best friend has twin daughters named Kathryn and Elizabeth…and they
both do gymnastics. Dance might be next when they’re a little older. :)
Whew going to try this everyday, fingers crossed I can power through it!
If this was a kungfu workout, it would be so perfect :D
Interesting…you’re actually promoting the thigh gap?
Haha, from the thumbnail I thought Melissa was the one doing the workout.
Catherine looks like a great new addition.
Like if you paused the video at 23:35 or 23:45 or at least 5 times.
great video! feeling strong! thanks so much!
horrible outfit
Great video! Finally a workout that targets all the muscles, but doesn’t
keep going a hundred miles an hour!
Hm i don´t feel much
only my arms D: hmmm an absolutly no chance to
hold (27:00 minuts) what´s wrong
she talks too much, but nice workout
A women who in shape is the most beautiful image!
Oh fuck yea….cum all over those feet mmmmmm.