Extreme Weight Loss – “Krista” (Season 1 / Episode 8)
After learning her two-year-old daughter would need half of her brain removed due to a medical condition, Krista turned to food for comfort. Now 270 pounds o…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
More on Ariana Grande’s weight loss story: http://www.bananiac.com/blog/ariana-grande-weight-loss-transformation-on-a-vegan-diet Actress & singer, Ariana Gra…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Extreme Weight Loss – “Melissa” (Season 4 / Episode 5)
When Melissa’s military husband, Mike, returned from Afghanistan, he seemed to have become a different person. Later diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Dis…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Extreme Makeover WeightLoss Edition Season 3 Episode 9 Alyssa titanmusic@hotmail com
Considero que Chris Powell es uno de los grandes en este tema….espero que no solo los motive a comenzar sino a mantenerse día a día en la constante búsqued…
49-year-old Rod is a fun-loving drama coach who always wears a big smile on the outside to hide the self-doubt and unhappiness he keeps buried deep down. He …
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Categories: Weightloss Tags: Alyssa, Edition, Episode, Extreme, Makeover, Season, titanmusic@hotmail, WeightLoss