Posts tagged "Paleo"

Vegetarian Paleo Diet

So you are a vegetarian and yet you are so intrigued with this Paleo diet, can you observe then a vegetarian paleo diet still? Vegetarian paleo diet is good for people who want to join the Paleo parade without eating a piece of meat at all.

Vegetarian paleo diet may seem ludicrous to those who think that paleo diet consists mostly of meat. Paleo diet is everywhere — and now vegetarian paleo diet is making a statement as well.

Our body needs to eat in order for us to survive — and everybody also includes the non-eating meat people of this world. So why not create a vegetarian paleo diet plan to suit their lifestyle and beliefs?

Our bodies all over the centuries have been adapting to our environment in order to survive.  Vegetarian paleo diet is here to welcome more followers that this diet does not mean to impose, but to accommodate and help everyone achieve a healthy body and lifestyle.

And since paleo diet mainly consists of proteins from animals and not from legumes and beans, then this may seem to be a problem for vegetarians and vegans alike who love to eat their salads with tofu and bean sprouts.

Here are the options for vegetarians then:

You must eat a lot of eggs – so yes, this option is not for strict vegans. So you could eat as much as a dozen of eggs a day to be able to get enough protein and become a legitimate Paleo follower.

You must eat grain-like seeds in your foods for you to fit in the Paleo dieter profile. For the vegetarian paleo diet, to allow soaked and sprouted legumes and beans for the vegetarians’ sake is an order. So yes, you can still enjoy your meal of baked beans still, my friend…no need to worry.

The vegetarian version of this scavenger diet is mainly compose of fruits, berries, nuts, seeds and of course, vegetables still (only that they cannot eat potatoes). And the nuts that should be eaten must not have any sugar or salt in them.

Vegetarian paleo diet will help fight diseases such as heart attack and will help prevent stroke. This vegetarian paleo diet also helps fight cancer and diabetes. And with the combination of going vegetarian and paleo, the health benefits it could bring to a person is priceless and everlasting.

Some people are having confused thought about eating meat and being healthy and not eating meat and being compassionate to animals. So the issue always lies between those two dilemmas.

If your aim is to become a healthy person, then you really need meat in your diet, right? But then you can always respect the beliefs and the faith of those who value the lives of animals.

Paleo diet does not in any way challenge the meatless people because the reason of incorporating vegetarian paleo diet in their book would be defeated, right?

So go and practice being compassionate while maintaining your strength, energy and healthy body on the side — eat only the paleo foods that are vegetarian!



CaSandra Poulos offers a free email mini course, “Nourish Your Inner Caveman” at her website:  Nourish Your Inner Caveman

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Posted by admin - December 3, 2015 at 6:21 am

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Paleo Diet Foods

Paleo Diet Foods & Why Its Worth Checking Out

When it comes to weight loss and trying to be healthy, the most common routes pursued include eating right and hitting the gym. In fact, this is an equation that almost everyone automatically turns to. However, in many instances, people tend to focus more on the physical exercise part of the process instead of the proper nutrition aspect. The reality is that while it is important to implement regular exercise into a persons lifestyle, it is even more important to stay on top of our food intake and correct bad eating habits. An individual can spend countless hours in the gym pumping iron and performing repetitious exercises but without the right foods in their system, favorable results will be much more difficult to achieve.

The Myths

One of the many things that keeps people in the vicious cycle of sweating for hours at the gym instead of focusing on their nutrition are the myths that surround the concept of weight loss. Even those that try to eat right often get off to the wrong start by having the wrong idea about what it really takes to use food to ones advantage in shedding excess pounds. Paleo Diet Foods is a program that aims to educate the public about the various fat loss strategies that result in desired, long lasting weight loss, as well as dispel the numerous misconceptions. The two most common food-related myths that this program proves wrong include the belief that carbohydrates are theenemy and should be avoided and that calorie counting is the way to truly losing weight. Additionally, the program points out surprising facts, such as the way certain health foods actually cause the body to store large amounts of fat.

The Approach

So what makes this program stand out from the rest? The answer is easy: by focusing more on learning what proper nutrition is for your unique body type, adapting a healthier lifestyle (and maintaining it) and monitoring your weight and food intake to track your progress. There is a nutritional planthat provides people with the right tips and practices for better eating and strategies for burning fat.

The goal of Paleo Diet Foods is to give people access to the right information about nutrition, teach them which foods to keep and which to avoid, as well as how to maintain a positive food intake that will guarantee not only favorable results but those that will last for years to come. Additionally, those that follow the program will finally have the ability to free themselves from tireless routines at the gym.

There are countless weight loss programs available online but what makes Paleo Diet Foods unique is its main focus on losing weight and keeping it off by helping people target their specific body type and how it reacts to various foods. Once the proper nutritional plan has been identified, a person can then take the steps necessary to develop the ideal eating regimen that doesnt involve restricting calories or even getting rid of their favorite foods.

Created by certified nutritionist.

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Posted by admin - May 31, 2015 at 9:12 am

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The Paleo Diet

Man has come a long way since pre-historic days. We have created a world that was once beyond imagination. Technology, modernisation, urbanisation and sophistication have made man what he is today. However in this race to be the best and do better than the best man has had to compromise a number of things, the first being his health.

The food we consume today is far from what we should include in a healthy natural diet. This imbalance has led us to be victims to a number of diseases and sicknesses which has deteriorated the quality of life. Over the years everything in our lives has evolved and the human race today is very different from what it initially was. The irony however is that the more we move forward the more we realise that its time to turn back!

Paleo diet and paleo recipes were the natural form of food, which was pure and healthy and ideal for the body. It was consumed before man started farming and agriculture. The food for these paleo recipes was either collected from the ground like roots and seeds or from the plants like fruits and vegetables and the meats were hunted for. The basic way to recognise the ingredients of a paleo diet recipe is to see if it can be obtained in a forest!

Paleo recipes unlike other diet foods are tasty, healthy and aim at building the body rather than breaking it. It does not include anything artificial and is thus fit for consumption. These foods bring back the natural way of eating, and provide long term benefits. Paleo diets are not crash courses they are in fact more of a life style. Bacon, eggs, meats and dry fruits may not sound like diet food, but when these foods are made the paleo style they are transformed into health foods and have a completely different effect on the body. Wholesome food is what we were actually supposed to eat and this diet aims at bringing the modern man back to his original habits.

It is rightly said that you are what you eat, therefore if you eat healthy that is what you will be. The diet may take a little getting used to but the benefits you reap from it will make you forget all that. Monitoring what we eat is far better than sweating it off at the gym later on.

The paleo diet recipes you are about to discover inside are so delicious that you can use them to lose weight and feel healthier easily. For more Informations Please visit Our paleo diet Website.

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Posted by admin - May 12, 2015 at 1:50 am

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