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Quick Vegetarian Weight Loss

A vegan diet can help you with your weight loss plan but first we must establish what a vegan diet is and the different types of vegans.

1. Some vegans only eat a strict diet of vegetables and stay strictly away from dairy products, eggs, meat, honey, processed foods, stimulants such as coffee, etc.

2. Some vegans eat a non-meat diet strictly because they believe the killing of animals is inhumane and their diet is consistent with their beliefs.

3. Some vegans have been put on a vegetarian diet due to certain health risks.

These are all good and acceptable reasons to be vegan. So whatever type of Vegan you subscribe to you can lose weight with a well-BALANCED vegetarian diet with healthy exercise.

When losing weight, however, the key is to make it attainable, and make it easy. With attainable weight loss and easy weight loss you will find yourself much more successful in the long run.  So, here are ways to make a simple vegan diet attainable and easy.


• Pick a plan that you can live with. Don’t restrict yourself too much at first. For example, if you are used to coffee in the morning, tackle that issue later. Go simple at first and once you are succeeding, move on to conquer other things.

• Don’t allow yourself to get discouraged. If you cheat, or slide…so what? Go back on it next meal! There is never a reason to get mad at yourself or beat yourself up. THAT is the reason people fail. They get discouraged and quit. Even if you decide to eat only raw vegetable, yet one day you are out of food, open up a can of green beans for goodness sakes, and forget about it!  

• Control your thoughts!  The bible says the battlefield is in the mind. If you can conquer this, you have won your battle. If you keep your mind NOT on how and what and when you eat and what you did not eat and when can you eat next and …so on….you are allowing yourself to focus on the wrong things which is probably what got you over weight or unhealthy in the first place.  Eat your food, stick with your plan, and go do something else. Make your thoughts go on a diet too. Do not think about food or eating.


• Buy a variety of food to have on hand. When shopping at the grocery store, ONLY buy the types of foods on your diet. Buy fresh, maybe have some canned or frozen on hand if you run into a bind, but don’t buy chips, or other temptations making it hard on you. Get that stuff out of your pantry so you won’t have to look at it. Only have on hand the type of food you should eat even when you are cheating. Cheat with special things that you will only eat when you feel you have to cheat. For example, cheat with fresh fruit or a smoothie if you must. It will conquer the sweet tooth and help keep you on target.

• Pre-Plan what to order when at a restaurant. Know what you are choosing before you show up at the fast food place or a restaurant. Of course and most of the fast food restaurants offer many salads to choose from. Don’t even try to be tempted. Remember…the battlefield is in the mind.

Again, keep special foods onhard when you want to cheat such as special nuts, almonds, macadamia nuts, blueberries, etc. Have a special “treat” just for you keeping it within your dieting plan.

The key to a nutritionally sound vegan diet is variety so you can include fruits, vegetables, lots of different kinds of leafy greens, whole grain products, nuts, legumes and seeds. Be creative here!

A healthy vegetarian diet is not just cutting out certain foods such as meat. It’s about making sure you are getting ample amount of nutrients and all of your daily nutritional needs.  Do not skimp on nutrients. Learn your diet and find out what your body will need to continue and be successful!

You do not need to count calories or mess with carb counting, or weighing your food, but it would be wise to eat organically grown fruits, plants, whole grains, and natural foods.  Foods without these chemicals are better for everyone, vegan or not.

Judy Stevens writes on weight loss and weight gain with a specialty in hormonal imbalances. To read more go to or for free charts on food cravings and ideal weight go to

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Posted by admin - June 24, 2015 at 6:10 pm

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Quick Slimming Weight Loss Tips

Losing weight can be surprisingly easy if you do the right things! There are literally millions of men and women use every day for the best way to lose weight and I do not wonder why.When you are fit and healthy it is so much more fun.

I wanted to share with you 3 weight loss tips that you can use to sculpt your way to a dream body!

1. Six pack abs are in the kitchen

Many people trying to get in shape feel you need to do tons of cardio training and get to sit-ups to a flat stomach. They are wrong, the most important part of losing weight is your daily diet.

The best way to start is by all the rapid absorption of carbohydrates you daily meal plans. This means you say goodbye to things like muffins, sweets, white bread, white rice and pasta, etc. etc. instead of eating the whole grains, and meat, fish, chicken and vegetables, of course, have to do.

I know it’s not easy to do a big change just like that. For this reason, you should at least at the beginning, you can be a “cheat days”, for example, once a week. During one day you can eat all you want and it will not hurt your weight loss process. Although after a while when you see the development start of the new healthy body, you will probably do not want that “day light” no longer!

2. The exercise to Sculpt Your Body

Although the eat what you, the most important issue for you to lose weight and get the attractive body, does not mean you can see physically completely.

Do you know what is the biggest mistake among people who strongly believe that the perception of the best method of weight loss? They go so overboard with them. You walk five miles a day and then go to the gym to train for several hours, and they do this every day.

If your body is not used to hard stress, working too much is just simply make every effort to get the body fit to kill! What you want is a moderate amount of body weight exercises you can do at home, or some strength exercises in the gym.

It’s always good to change the amount of training. For example, you could do this week to four training sessions, then the next week is only 2 times and so on. Thus your body will keep growing and developing BIG means.

3. Drinking water

This is perhaps the oldest trick in the book of weight loss tips. However, there is a reason why it is the oldest, IT WORKS! I do not know what to drink in general, maybe some juice, soft drinks or milk. Whatever it is, you should drink most of your day to change water and it can get a lot for your efforts, the job you’ve always wanted to do.

As the last words I must say that I have many people who are struggling to lose weight and to me that it is very difficult to know that the best way to lose weight to find something that actually works. Therefore, I absolutely recommend this Weight Loss Program.

It is written by a man who knows everything about losing weight and fitness. He has helped thousands to get attractive body and I hope that you do not your chance to miss is at issue. I know many people who are so far only obesity, but are in good shape. I also know that if it could work for them so I know you can do the same!


Jerry Montgomery is very interested in this great Weight Loss Guide

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Posted by admin - January 3, 2015 at 2:27 am

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Quick Fix Weight Loss

A lot of people that would like to know how to lose weight lose quick will get answers like: eat low fat instead of full fat or do not eat anything at all. Unfortunately, that’s not going to work. The reason behind is that the food that we take in that makes us fat has chemicals that are designed to stop you from avoiding them.

It has chemicals that can increase your cravings. Then it will be hard for you to stop. There are many information on how to lose weight quick. So far this is the most effective way. You will see a small progress when you start changing your standard diet to eating rice, vegetable and whole wheat bread. You need to back it up with a lot of workout.

Ofcourse you’re going to see results, but then what a lot of people want is how to lose weight quick. Another effective way to lose weight quick is to undergo surgery. This is quick and effective. You will need to prepare yourself emotionally, physically and financially because it is not only painful but it also costs a lot.

The most healthy and effective way to lose weight quick is the whole food or raw food path. Raw food path means eating fruits and vegetables. This will help you dissolve all accumulated cholesterol, saturated fats, hydrogenated fats and carbohydrates that stick to your cells. A big part of the cellulites are cholesterol and water that is stored in your body. Drink green vegetable juices and fruit juices. Fruits are delicious and also energizing. Vegetables improve the functions of your cells.

Obesity is a major issue. All other illnesses especially heart disease start from obesity. You don’t have to force yourself to switch to raw right away. Start gradually. Start by eating your favorite fruits in between meals. Find out how raw foods and fruit juices can help. Always remember to choose foods that are not packed with chemicals.

This is the fastest way to lose weight. Start now and walk with confidence, play your favorite sports, look good in anything you wear and have a good health.

Bob Brendon
Lose Fat Stomach
Best Way To Lose Weight

We are all going to struggle but I was able to lose 90 pounds in 4 and a half months and you can too!! Facebook page:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Posted by admin - December 2, 2014 at 2:19 pm

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