TOP 5 WORST EXERCISES (Stop Doing These!!)
Get your one way ticket from Snap City to Muscleville Any exercise can become the worst exercise if you perform it incor…
Get your one way ticket from Snap City to Muscleville Any exercise can become the worst exercise if you perform it incor…
Time to take a visit to the Iron Graveyard and pay our respects to 5
exercises…that belong to stay dead and buried! Watch to see my physical
therapist’s take on why we may want to steer away from these exercises and
in the direction of other, more effective and less risk prohibitive
#fitnesstips #workouttips #exercise #exercisesforinjuries
This guys body balance is…. really odd. His arms and shoulders are so
massive, but his chest and back look so small O.O
So there goes 4 of my favorite exercises :(
The fact that everyone whining about their favorite exercise being debunked
(especially flyes) hasn’t been able to counter with any scientific or
physiological evidence whatsoever tells you everything you need to know
I always though chest flies were good, but i never had good chest
development. Today i was curious and after few benchpresses i did the
exercise with the cabelcross and my chest is destroyed now. Had sick
workout even better than benchpress. you actually hit the upper and lower
peck with same prinicp but different direction of the arm. Very well said
Jeff, will change my workout totaly. Time to build huge chest
I can’t do lunges because of a really bad ankle, So what else can I do
other than leg extensions on a machine?
I’d like to see the behind the neck squats disappear
I hurt myself doing Flies, behind the neck shoulder press, and upright
rows. I never did Good mornings because, well; thats just stupid and leg
extensions- NEVER AGAIN… I can vouch for 4 of the five on this video…
Three I’ve experienced, one using common sense which means leg ext are no
more… AWESOME video, thank you.
I agree after doing good mornings that I can see nothing but injury from
this exercise. My and I’m sure many other’s lower backs are a point of
concern at all times and I just cannot seem to keep a straight back with
this exercise. Something about it just doesn’t make sense to me, it’s
unusual because although I don’t have the best dexterity, I usually pick
exercises up relatively quickly.
He just destroyed 3/4 of my high school workout routine.
Everyone has their opinion even ones that like to over think things … my
opinion is that the dumbell fly is an amazing exercise if done correctly. I
wouldn’t recommend it for somebody who is not familiar with weight lifting
(but would recoomend machine flys) as it could be an exercise that could
injure easily. All BS aside … dumbbell flys will never be buried being
that all of us who have a built chest know its a key factor in building a
great shaped chest. You do have some good points in my opinion but not all
are accurate. I think people should look at who is giving advice before
they think just cause somebody is over thinking things making themselves
sound so technical .. that its true.
Hi, I have vital problems with my upper back points which attached to
scapula it sounds like “trigger points” as when ı do press these parts
getting shrinking and cause pain I stop immediately, I have seen doctor he
said “therapy has given to electricity my upper back and not work, this
time said do exercise like swimming I did so I am still in pain , When I
do pushing exercises as upper back spasm.
I know you said flys..does that include all flys such as cable flys or just
db flys?
I’ve done all the exercises that you recommend not to do and actually I
never really got hurt doing any of them but I have hurt myself doing 2
different exercises and both injured my shoulders and they are flat barbell
bench presses and pec deck flyes and I know flat barbell bench presses are
the grand daddy of upper body exercises but for me I actually hurt both my
shoulders doing them and at different times and on the pec deck with my
arms bent I came in too close together in front of me and hurt the front
part of my left shoulder not too long ago so I’m not saying don’t do these
2 exercises but maybe with flat bench presses try not to do them too much
and with the pec deck do them with like a hugging motion and not with your
elbows bent at 90 degrees and coming in too tight cause that will
definitely hurt your shoulders doing them that way, the good mornings I can
see how you can hurt your back doing them but they also strengthen your
back and leg extensions have always been one of my favorite quadriceps
exercises but I know a lot of people say not to do them but for me they
have always been good when I did them a lot a long time ago, the dumbbell
flys like Arnold used to do I never did them much, upright rows is another
exercise I liked a lot cause they worked my shoulders good and my traps at
the same time and I have very bad shoulders now and I can still do them
fine so for me that’s not a dangerous exercise at all and they were another
of Arnold’s favorites as well so obviously they can work well and presses
behind the neck used to be a staple of mine but I have heard of some people
saying not to do them but guys like Kevin Levrone and Arnold built up their
shoulders doing them as well as tons of other bodybuilders so whatever, you
can do them to the front if you feel that’s safer and that’s ok I guess but
interesting video whether I agree with your choices or not but like I said
the 2 exercises I injured myself with have been flat barbell bench presses
and pec deck flys not any that you mentioned really.
Thanks for sharing this video. I agree with everything you said about leg
extensions, and I’ve been advising my clients not to do these exercises for
those reasons.
How come you didnt mention deadlifts? This exercise gives a lot of people a
very strong feeling that its building them muscles and besides looking
macho as even a average lifter can put some weight on this exercise. All
this exercise is doing is giving you a thick waist and gluten. This
exercise DOESNOT work your triceps, chest and upper back and shoulder as
many people believe. One of the most over rated exercise. Completely
I know for sure, pressing a barbell way behind your neck for your shoulders
is straight up R-tard. You are asking for a shoulder injury and it is doing
nothing for the balls of your shoulders. Just bring the barbell down to
just about eye level or forehead level and then press back up, with the
barbell being in front, not behind. There is absolutely no reason to go
further down or behind your neck.
Use diagrams when describing joints instead of your hands gestures
The fly db fly is just plain ineffective. The closer the dumbbells get
during the motion, the less stress it exerts on the very muscle fibers
you’re trying to activate. In other words, the 2nd half of the motion,
gravity is not helping to keep stress on the pecs because you’re not
lifting the weight at this point. You’re simply moving the weight in a
horizontal motion. Cables are far more effective because the same amount of
stress is exerted on the pecs during the entire motion, from start to
finish. I have never and will never do db flys because they’re just plain
pointless, waste of time and loss of valuable gains.
Good mornings? Eh, I just do them with light weight (bar only) for warming
up anyway.
So I shouldn’t do dumbbell flies due to the potentiality that “one bad rep
and you’re gonna have a bad time”? Come on.. It’s a perfectly decent
exercise. I’d agree that cable pulls are preferable, particularly those
swanky 3D crossovers, but if you’re at a crappy gym with no cables, or at
home using a bench, it doesn’t get much better than dumbell flies for
targeting the pecs, particularly when you adjust the gradient of your bench
between reps.
Wow! This is an eye-opener. I was all too happy to be doing all of these
exercises, excluding Good Mornings. Today, I also have a stiff twinge in my
right shoulder & a numbing stiff pain in my lower back – I can’t wash
dishes, brush my teeth or even iron a pair of denims without having to sit
down & rest my back. I’m 39 years old, my message to the younger bucks out
there – Gym Safer – you don’t pay attention to older people when they
complain about serious joint or muscle pains, but trust me, they do it for
your benefit =^_^=
Barbell benchpress is the worst, and most common reason for injuries for
chest training. This movement should be #1.
welp, i never really liked flies anyways :D
Kickass finaly. Someone who actually know anatomy