Weight Loss Tips! Sugar Cravings, Carbs, Health & Blood Sugar, GI
Exclusive Content @ http://www.patreon.com/psychetruth Weight Loss Tips: Sugar Cravings, Carbs, Health & Blood Sugar Corrina reveals the top EASIEST ways to lose weight and keep it off for…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Don’t like your new funky music guys, not going to lie it feels a bit out
of place
Please, remove the annoying music.
I eat Hersheys and Snickers and still lose fat. Exercise and having an
overall good diet is the key. Good diet doesn’t have to mean starving
yourself or avoiding every bit of sweets.
Nice Video. It’s not all about calories.
Also good to see you guys being active and replaying to so many comments,
Great channel.
I thought the glycemic index was useless cause we rarely one food on its
own. When we eat potatoes it’s usually combined with meat which has protein
and fat, same thing with rice or other carb sources.
Very Informative ……. looking forward to the next video as one of my
goals is to avoid diabetes and hypertension when im older
Yes yes yes and yes
You look amazing!
Two yes answers. But I’m rarely ever hungry and I don’t struggle with low
energy levels.
I am in a bad rut, 4 yes’s from me. This video is of great help to me,
it’s so important to know which foods are high GI, most are readily
available at work or if you have a busy life and can’t be choosey, will
need to watch this a second time. Sorry Corrina but the music gave me a
headache half way through, I just can’t concentrate on what you are
saying. Would it be possible to upload the video without the music, say as
an unlisted video so it doesn’t hit your SEO, would really like to get this
information, cheers!
Does the quantity of food eaten also effect the blood sugar spike or is it
just the GI of the food?
Hi Corrina, I am always feeling hungry shortly after I eat something. Is it
normal? I eat pretty healthily. I’m 14 and is it just my body NEEDING those
foods or is it just I’m not eating healthy enough? Thank u for the
wonderful video!
I honestly said “no” to all of your 4 questions! This is a huge improvement
over 2 years ago when I used to be so addicted to processed goods. I’m
I really am interested in this video, but the loud background music is too
For an informational video like this I would prefer no
music outside of the intro/outro to be honest!
WOW! Never knew.TY! Yes, snickers is the new junk food ceiling!(bonus) I
love n eat peanuts all the time. Love Avocados too. What do you know of
“Subway” in ref to fast food? and what about semi-sweet chocolates? Very
informative. Talented presenter!
The music was too distracting. I has to stop watching
So many shameful comments here. Thank you Corrina. Your presentation made
it very clear what I have been doing wrong even though I am eating healthy
foods. I appreciate all the time and effort you put in to share information
with us. I had 3 yes responses.
3 – I don’t often crave sugar. But when I do. I really crave it :-)
The music (speed and volume) is very distracting and takes away too much
focus from the topic itself.
More women should get into weight lifting, I think a lot of women would
really like it and it’s something else to add in besides just endless
A lot of people who start off exercising go all out but then give in and
binge, I think you’ve got to work your way up to the intense stuff if you
ever go there and slowly cut the bad foods out. You can’t just go cold
turkey in most cases. And with consistency you get results, first time I
noticed my pecs, shoulders and quads getting big added so much motivation
to keep going, again consistency and attainable goals is the key.
Yes to all 4 but I’ve been cut back for the last few days and I already
feel a difference
last 2 questions r a yes for me.
P.S : guys dont make a big deal about the music. They have put a lot of
effort into making each video so just give a break :)
YES to all 4 questions.
Shameful 4 yeses :(
TNX for the Info! If fructose is so good, why is High Fructose Corn Syrup
so bad? TNX Again!
I want smash your nice legs. I love your boobies Corrina